Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Cop isn’t there for a really long time after he says it, which is how you know its him


Well was it before LK was shot, then? Were they beating on him prior to her being shot?


I have no idea. Just guessing…but I would think based on the defense tactics so far it would be someone with insight to his mental state. Maybe MHB? The working student’s mom? No one in a romantic relationship has to testify but they CAN if agreed on. I’d maybe wrap with something heart-tugging like that.

Ending on an expert is common too, but I do more business litigation. Here…I might do something different.


Its her call to 911 to report she’s been shot.

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When he testified, the cop seemed to be pretty nonchalant about the dog’s presence on the scene. That might not be an accurate reflection of his feelings at the time as the dog was trying to bite him, but that was the impression he gave on the stand.

RG, on the other hand, might have been worried that the cop was going to shoot the dog, so he may have been yelling at LK to put the dog inside.

But why would RG be doing that if he had watched MB shoot her, and he could see that she was about to collapse, as he testified on the stand. I wonder? :thinking:


Maybe she was still standing and he didn’t realize the extent of her injury


And why would he do that? He decided he did not need them after all?


I don’t think Taylor needed the defense to be there at all, frankly. He would have preferred prosecution point a finger, and the whole thing go away.


Maybe MHG? She was already called as a prosecution witness. Could they recall her as a defense witness now, and go down a totally different line of questioning?

I also wonder about the actual property owners. I thought someone else owned Hawthorn Hill, and MB was essentially in a long term lease of the property. My guess is if that was the case, the actual property owners were closely involved in this situation all that summer as well. Maybe not though.


An elderly couple owned the property that MB leased from them and they were patrons of Dressage and his competitive efforts. It’s unknown how involved they were in the dispute, though LK has claimed that they adored her and wanted her around or something along those lines.


The LLC owned the property, I thought, of which MB was a member, so not so sure the elderly couple, who are the other part of the LLC were sole owners. MB, if I am correct, leased the property from the LLC as a business entity separate from the LLC entity.

IOW, Michael Barisone, Dressage leased the property from Sweet Grass Farm, LLC. I could be wrong, but I think its what I got out of the civil cases.


Now I vaguely recollect her claims about this. She stayed there with her horses for awhile after the shooting… didn’t she? Another month or two?

So bizarre and sick to think about after listening to all this testimony. I can’t imagine what it was like in that barn on a day to day basis for MHG and JH if they had to brush elbows with RG while just doing stuff like morning and evening feeds, and regular care. I’d imagine RG took over care of LKs horses while she was in the hospital immediately after the shooting…


It can’t be the responding officer, because the next thing he says on the call is (paraphrase) “you’re sending someone? people are coming?” So clearly there is no responding officer there.


Maybe Bilinkis will call RG as his last lay witness. Now that I woudl pay to watch.


I have been following the case but not this very long thread. If this has come up please excuse me.
It seems totally plausible if not likely, that Barisone’s gun went off after Rob Goodwin attacked him. He was stunned and then unconscious. Goodwin and Kanarek certainly would have lied about it, if it happened that way. I think it is highly likely that Rob Goodwin would have jumped Barisone as soon as he walked up to the porch. It would explain why Barisone cannot remember the shooting. Has anyone in an official capacity mentioned that? The only time I thought it might come up was when the policeman was asked if anyone else’s hands were checked for gunpowder.


Especially after how well that worked out for the prosecutor with his first group of star witnesses.


He has blocked quite a bit of evidence because there is no proof MB was aware of the extent of the specific evidence which has to do with who knew what when and and how did they plot to do more. Taylor is not allowing anything MB didn’t hear himself or know about before the shooting. If you listen again to Bikinkas’ opening statement, he basically says what the other evidence was.


I remember at the time how appallled I was that LK and RG stayed at the farm until Novemember, I think when it was “the season” to go to florida, whereupon they left. They went to NC, I believe, but she kept saying it wasn’t time to leave yet, that they would leave in Novemeber when the grass was brown and the leaves were off the trees, and the summer winds had swept the beaches’ trace of man, etc. I’m paraphrasing of course, but she was so high falutin’ about “oh, no, we don’t leave in September, we’ll go in November, when the season ends” kind of thing.


According to…?

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True, but she actually has friends. I am wondering what type of people could continue to be friends with an individual like this.