Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Lauren. She bragged about it on this forum.


Would MBs longtime therapist be considered a lay person witness, or an expert witness?

If she is an LMHC or has an MSW, might that make a difference? I believe we have learned through all this other testimony that she doesn’t have a PhD.

If the defense does put her on the stand, would the prosecution be able to go wild, and ask about all sorts of stuff that came up in therapy? Or would they be very limited in terms of their cross examination? And only able to go down certain rabbit holes?

Oh well. It’s probably a totally bad idea to put MBs longtime therapist on the stand… but… she might have a lot of insight to offer.

IRL? And I wonder at what they have in common. Maybe they bond over what was contained in the boxes MB found in the trash can on his property.


I thought it was confirmed to be the cop also?

Oh, yes. The one who testified on the stand under oath last week that she lies all the time on social media.

Let me rephrase the question. Was there any independent confirmation that LK, RG, or her horses stayed there?

It’s possible I’ve been watching a little too much of this trial. Lol.


Simple synopsis: LK may not have intended to kill MB but she sure managed to destroy him. Don’t know what in her twisted mind led her to this but had she and RG moved out when they were supposed to this would never have happened.

No matter what the jury finds will MB ever be able to recover from this.?

Such a tragic state of affairs.


He already questioned him?

This has been a main source of questioning throughout the trial. It’s pretty much established that MB took the gun to go to the house. What exactly went down there has not been confirmed by evidence or facts.


I think most of her “friends” are on SM. They all seem somewhat windswept, in the sense that they don’t really have a whole lot of thinking power amongst them, and are in love with being her compatriots-in-horror at what the big mean man did to poor little LK. One of them she’s known in real life at some point, and has a strange love relationship online with allusions to a prior incident where LK was “there for” this friend in a time of hardship, and now that friend is “there for” LK in a way they both intimate no one else can ever be. The friend is elderly, and LK goes for months not responding to her pleas for attention on her posts, then grabs her back in to the fold of gold, gushing over her, and she over LK. Its a bizzarre thing to read, but its on her public posts, so who knows what it means. She’s an elderly horse person, and intimates that she knows things no one else knows about LK and the shooting, wink wink, nudge nudge, so who can say, possibly she will be called? I’m postulating. One has no idea.


Oh wow. It was all about “winning” for her… wasn’t it? No one was going to kick her off that property. And she wasn’t going to leave until she was darn well ready. Shooting or no shooting.

I can’t imagine what Aug-Nov of 2019 was like for MHG. What a heartbreaking nightmare to live through…


Could be, I just played/stopped it and wrote a transcript.
Its quite a while before Helmet arrives.


I might be wrong, but they didn’t stay at the farm after she was released from the hospital 9/24.

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MHG was gone within days as I recall. JH and others stayed to organize things and make plans for next steps.


Wow. I don’t blame her. What a sad and horrible nightmare though.

JH must have been under insane stress. Poor guy.


She lied


[quote=“eggbutt, post:7914, topic:770941, full:true”]

That’s so bizarre to me. Even knowing who and what she is… it’s bizarre.


MHGs father was seen by Heymer as he pulled up, walking towards the barn, in his phone.
Could her father have seen it heard details?


I thought we heard testimony about the 911 call he placed, and he apparently had t heard anything.

I might be wrong though. But I seem to recollect testimony about that.

There were several who took over and made everything work until they all left for FL.


I wonder when all the boarders left