Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

They spent a week in a motel, if I recall. The horses were still at the barn, and they went back to the farm until November.


My bet is the boarders and MHG and JH all would have left pretty quick. No reason not to move MB’s horses to FLA, and MHG I would have no doubt scooted right quick.


I haven’t been able to listen today, and have been skimming this thread, but can someone tell me how many recording devices there were, and where they were hidden? Did lawyer speak to whether they were legal, or is that just LK’s statement. It was made clear by several people that there was no bench in front of her locker, so where was she recording?
Sorry if someone has already clarified this!

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Where did Rob stay while she was in the ICU? I’ve always wondered about that…

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No quite a bit later you hear RG say " this is the shooter right here! Right here!"

Officer testifies he’s heard first on the call saying “get on the ground now! If you F’n move I will F’n kill you!”


As some others have done along the way - if I don’t respond now, I’ll never find it again…

I honestly don’t think we will ever get the full, truthful answer on this.


I can only hope he was sleeping rough.


I bet they were just trying to be the nice guys.

LK said he stayed on the farm taking care of her horses, but they were in a motel or something after she left the hospital, so I wonder if, like eggbutt says, she was lying, and they were in a motel altogether after the shooting. She did say on here that they were living at the farm, “of course” because that was there home and they would leave when it was time to go to FLA for the winter, and now the couple owning the farm loved them so and wanted them to stay.


I asked earlier about this, if it was the father or the neighbor. I hope someone knows.

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It came out in testimony, I forget whether it was MHG or the office, but someone did say that it was her father. My recollection is that MHG said it was her dad.


And I think I recall MHG dad is a lawyer.


Re unprepared lawyers- I was called as a witness in a second degree murder case, and the defense lawyer only spoke to me about 30 min before I testified.
The defendant told them I was the family physician of the child who died (I had seen him once for a totally different reason) and that I had suggested/recommended the punishment that ultimately led to his death. Neither of these statements were true, but nobody bothered to check before the trial. They didn’t even subpoena my record! Defense went on to press me to answer questions about the defendant’s health that I couldn’t answer, and wouldn’t take “I don’t know” for an answer. The crown attorney did not ask me any questions. The whole thing felt very slip-shod and scary.
At least Schellhorn was better prepared than either attorney in this case!


Every time LK got all shrieky, huffy, belligerant and loudly proclaimed how wrong the person was for conjecturing or making a declarative statement - the more likely that person was close to the mark or correct.

All that bluff & bluster was to shut down someone who saw through her lie or was perilously close to doing so.

So if she railed on you anytime since 2019 - give yourself props for being wary.


Yes there was a report that they found several, but whoever was testifying (maybe the psychiatrist) was not allowed to elaborate.


I just want to ask a question of the thread… for clarity… in case anyone knows for sure.

Is it correct that LK got shot, nearly died, stayed in the hospital for 19 days, and upon release, did not go back to stay in her parent’s home in the immediate area? Which presumably… is a pretty darn nice home, because they are pretty successful and have considerable means?

Instead… she either

  1. Went back to stay in the farmhouse where she had just been shot
  2. Went to stay in a motel with RG, while her horses stayed on at the farm

Does anyone know how far away from MBs farm aLKs parent’s home was? I believe they lived in Livingstone, NJ. How far is that from MBs farm?

Just a weird detail that I am fixating on. Maybe it’s just me being a jerk though - :woman_shrugging:


WOW. That is so backwards. If MB wasn’t aware of (in real time) the specific tactics that were being used by LK/JK/RB used to make him insane/reactive etc, then no testimony alluding to or proving it is allowed?
Again … what’s the court’s point here? Is he protecting the institution (court) or the citizen? That’s really eye opening and frightening.


Does anyone else get the impression that Schellhorn may have been a psych major in college and is thus naively eager to demonstrate a superior understanding of psychology?

Maybe if we’re lucky he’ll pull out some old college a capella skills in his closing arguments.


I’m back on the “Who does that?!” tangent.

Raise your hand if you’ve ever bugged the stable you board and train at with multiple devices while being prepared to dismantle any cameras the barn owner puts up on their own property.




The farm was/is in Long Valley, NJ.

45 minute drive.