Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I must have missed the Girl Joey testimony. Was that today?

She did not testify. Her messages from LK along with Haleybot’s messages were mentioned during both expert’s testimonies.


Holy s***. They didn’t quote those messages, did they? Was there some kind of device in the courtroom that bleeped out the bad words?

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The Pyrettes having fun with Randy-Dandy Oh is fun to listen to, too.

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They are referred to by differs names in testimony
Staggard and Parkinson?
The content wasn’t mentioned, just that they were bad and the effect of these revelations on MB were though


They were stricken from the defense witnesses list because, I’m guessing, the judge was not going to let LK be on trial.
The psychiatrist did comment that he had read them (not out aloud) and please don’t ask him to read them again!


I just wonder if da judge and prosecutors and witnesses or even members of the jury are starting to get it about the kind of person who was the instigator in this tragic incident. And are wondering if they are going to be next on her list…


I doubt JK propped up LK without Kirby’s knowledge and blessing.


Hmmmm. Do you have a date on when that happened? Do we know if the mother’s jewelry was ever found at any pawn shops nearby? Do we know if LK was dating RG when this happened?

Just idle curiosity on my part.


Now that we’ve heard both sides, I think we would get the most clear view of the truth if someone was able to go back to all of her posts here on the coth and weave it all together with what we’ve heard this past week. Somewhere in there I believe the truth lives. Look at what she avoids answering vs what she’s so insistent on vs the lies. (Assuming the posts are still avail)


She deleted or edited a lot of her posts. Back in the earlier, more innocent days, COTH thought locked threads were immutable. LK is why they are now archived.


I bet someone has them. I have no knowledge of that but I just have a feeling. Could be wrong.


If MB were to be convicted, do any of the legal people here see any foundation for an appeal?

The defense apparently.


Too many of her posts from long ago have been deleted or heavily edited. Probably not worth the time. She’s admitted most of it is lies. Let 48 Hours tell the tale.


It was in early April of 2004 and I don’t know anything more than that. The local paper reported it as part of the regular blah-blah and I stumbled across it after the shooting. Based on her own testimony, that would have been when LK was in full-addict mode and living in NC, according to the established timeline of her known activities and whereabouts. She was apparently studying at Hollins University for a very short time after her auto accident near her family home in NJ, not long enough to complete a course of study, and then walked away from college, heading down 220 to NC, where she has been living for the better part of two decades, until after the shooting. At some point, she married a nobody working class guy in NC and he seems to have filed for divorce due to her behavior, which could be the previously referenced trouble with an ex’s family that ended up with restraining orders or something along those lines.


Moral of this story: How to ruin your life and business… let LK and associates through your door.



I wonder when she was banned from the family home. Gotta think it’s all connected.

It’s very bizarre to me that the father is still funding her horse activities to the extent he obviously is.


Smart enough to divorce her and have nothing to do with her at all. I bet he is thrilled they have no child to bind them.


The irony of this whole thing is that MBs paranoia was actually right on target