Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

No kidding. There’s a whole lot of crazy when it comes to horse people. And sadly, many stories involving drugs and boarding disputes.

But this? This is just a whole different level.


I find it telling that only the mother (Kirby) is in many photos with her oldest daughter and is often seen with her, whereas the father (Jonathan) doesn’t seem to want to be around her. I don’t know if the father continues to support her out of guilt/pity or because his wife makes him or because his daughter has some sort of dirt on him that would result in prison time, but he seems to only show up when she runs amok, to threaten people into going along with whatever she wants or clean up her social/legal messes.


I don’t even care if saying this is awful. I have absolutely no sympathy for LK getting shot after seeing all of this. None whatsoever. She f*ed around and found out.


The true heartbreak of all of this is the number of people so affected by the loss of Michael as their coach and friend. For sure, we all know now he was struggling with deep demons and thoughts of suicide, but he functioned quite well day to day. Someone mentioned Robin Williams as an example of never knowing what is really going on. Somehow I hope he can get through this with excellent medical help and begin again with the support of 100’s.


I’m perilously close to my permanent wilting point at the moment…


Perk up! (Couldn’t resist) :rofl:


Agreed. I hope when he’s found not guilty he can rest and sleep, and over time, regain a bit of ground and live a life free of LK. He has a lot of people caring for him now as much or more than he did then. Maybe their kind and honest words lifted him in some measure.


Coupled with amazing medical help. Somehow he has to know how many are working on his behalf for his future.


So, with all this testimony now on record, will this affect her civil suit against MB? I would think those lawyers might be thinking twice about proceeding.

And can any of this be used against her in a Safe Sport claim? Is it possible this documented behavior could get her suspended from USEF?

I feel horribly for MB. And for everyone else that was affected by the toxic behavior of LK and RG. I’m not sure how MB recovers from this entire ordeal, even if he is found not guilty. It’s hard to believe that people like LK and RG really do exist and can literally ruin the lives of good people.


Not to mention that they live in the same Florida town as MB’s farm and MHG’s place and AB’s place, too.


I would be interested to know the ages of the majority of the jury (I know I can’t know that).

If the majority are young, do you think they would be thinking something like, “it’s social media, people! Everyone lies on SM—don’t you know to never read the comments!”? :woman_facepalming:t2:

It will be her burden to bear and rightly so. I hope Michael can get back to his life. It will take all the help of his friends. I think after all this there will be a circle of people that will be there for MB. I sure hope so. He deserves that. He is going to need a support system of his friends. I hope and pray that this will happen for him. The horse world has fabulous people in it. We saw some of those people testify on his behalf in the last two days. I bet they will be there for him when this is over.

I’ll pay to go to a clinic with MB.


I sincerely hope that her trainer in Florida kicks her to the curb. I would also like to see her and Rob held accountable in some way.


Out of curiosity, I just looked up her USEF record going back to 2016. Meaning, well before MB. Good heavens, she scratched exponentially more times than she actually showed. What a waste of time and money.

And she is currently ineligible to show because her Safe Sport training is not up to date. Oh the irony of that.


Oh, I doubt it has made a ripple in her psyche. She is probably proud of herself and sees no reason for anyone to view her with distaste. Heck, she may believe there will be sponsors lined up, trainers fighting for her to be their protege and supporters greeting her warmly everywhere she goes.


I mentioned that in a recent post and she replied with one of her typical rants,


Uh oh. I will brace myself for a hateful PM once the trial is over. Lol.


Nope, she has been permanently suspended from CoTH forums.


I remember one of the things I found very strange in her posts on COTH shortly after the shooting … she strangely seemed almost gleeful about having been shot, as in a “see I told you MB was horrible! But look what a strong, badass survivor I am” kind of way.

I know sometimes people react differently to trauma, but I found her reaction very odd.


It bears noting that she’s been suspended for actions which don’t involve posting.