Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Are you kidding me?!? She really did that?!?

“My Almost Murder” :astonished:


Another time when it would be handy to have the BB setting to automatically add the line to the end of each post on this thread:

Who does that?!?!?!?


Who would be the most powerful layperson witness for the defense to put on the stand last? Assuming they are saving the most compelling for last.

Someone who could make a profound impression on the jury would be an individual who knows him well if not intimately, has seen him navigate conflict successfully, even in circumstances where it could be mentally, emotionally and even financially draining. VK?

This has been so painful to watch and I can’t begin to fathom what he and his family have gone and are going through. I will be shocked if the jury doesn’t have significant reasonable doubt.


I sort of wondered if it might be her. But… I have zero clue as to their personal situation.

Regardless, this whole thing must have been heartbreaking for her to watch play out over the last few years as well.


The most pathetic and petty moment in LK’s testimony was when she was asked if she deleted SM posts. Of course, she lied, no. Oh, but that whopper of a lie was not enough, she went on to add, that’s more a Mary Haskin’s thing. :astonished: :rofl:

I actually laughed out loud. Not only did her deleting and editing old posts actually lead COTH admin to change the way they handled threads in which she was involved making this lie one of her most foolish, she took a swipe at MHG even though MHG was not mentioned at all in the questioning. It must have killed her to see MHG so classy on the stand, refusing to be petty about LK. When they went low, she went high.

Her deleting and editing was also lied about in the interrogatories, meaning she’s lied about it twice under oath as well as on here and elsewhere.

Why would you lie about something so easily provable?


Anyone who would sponsor that??? Seriously… shut them down. Don’t support them Boycott them. If I had a horse in training at a barn she was at right now my horse (s) would be going bye bye tomorrow. End of story.


It’s like if someone lied about being medevaced or something.


Indeed. Remarkably so.

Like, summit of Mount Everest high.


My apologies. It was on Pinterest, not IG. Her Pinterest account is gone.


I have to believe that those who offered to transport/shelter LK’s horses (before the shooting) are very glad that their offers were not enacted upon.

I can’t fault those people. I had a co-worker who was able to make me believe innumerable (outrageous) things for a year and a half before I got wise. (Actually, someone wised me up to what she was doing/had done–I can’t really give myself credit for this.)


People who are suicidal often seem quite normal and happy. Depression is hard and it’s often a learned behavior to pretend it doesn’t exist and live up to everyone’s expectations while coping with overwhelming sadness, pains, and struggle. I think this situation really speaks to the fact that many people, no matter how successful have baggage and deserve grace. I can imagine how difficult listening to someone talking about your mental health in front of the world must be. My heart goes out to MB.


I saw that just two days ago it was up. Just weird, really. I’d think someone has copped on she’s playing with serious fire. She’s needs to try to avoid damages from a civil lawsuit (she is constantly advertising her deep pockets) and perjury charges, not to mention possible criminal charges for all of her shenanigans.


What? When was he seen with a gun and by whom other than LK and RG, who have been caught in many untrue statements on the stand?

You didn’t watch McGrain’s testimony then. She was seen dressed in all black with a black veil or something over her face, barefoot going around the windows by the garage and a trailer behind the barn.


Exactly. Think of how kids commit suicide after being constantly bullied on social media.


That’s full Hollywood level cray cray


I just commented to a friend of mine that the whole thing sounds like the plot line of the world’s worst B-movie ever.

But unfortunately, it actually happened.


Dr Simring testified that MB took the gun from the safe and drove to the house with it.


A few thoughts after getting caught up on today’s testimony. The expert witnesses were awesome and the prosecutor seemed out of his element. The judge didn’t do a heck of a lot to impede the defense today, which seems notable.

I was struck by learning that Michael had been seeing a therapist off and on for 20 years. I’m a few years younger than him, but our generation wasn’t really taught that therapy is ok. For a man, an Olympic athlete, to admit, even to himself, that he needed help all those years says a lot about him. And it’s just so devastating that someone came along and exploited his vulnerabilities and broke him. I hope he can find peace in knowing all the remarkable things that were said about him. A few days ago, to me he was just that guy that did that funny bit with Colbert. But I’ve learned so much more, and it really saddens me to see the shell of him sitting in the courtroom.

I’ve been a part of hundreds of court cases in my career, and I’ve watched a zillion more because I love the legal process, and the delve into what brought people to the place where their lives end up in a courtroom. None of those trials have touched me the way this one has, seeing the “victim” destroy someone for no discernible reason and the defendant left shattered.


I do not recall anyone other than LK and RG claiming to have seen MB with the gun. And we all now know from watching the trial how much they can be trusted to be truthful!


If he was in such a disassociated state, are we even sure he knew they were at the house?