Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

It just occurred to me Lala hasn’t seen true victim-shaming like she’s bound to be getting from across the country now!!! No wonder all her SM is shut down.

Finland…I hear Finland is nice.


I think that’s a valid question, especially combined with the fact that the fire marshal failed to notify him that they were allowed back in the house by that time.

As far as MB probably knew, that house was still off-limits for occupancy.


I don’t think he did. The one inspector guy testified that he was never notified that they’d allowed LK and her dude back in the house. I think it’s just as likely he went there thinking he’d make sure they couldn’t get back in because the inspectors were supposed to come back.


So…there were so many expert witnesses that spoke highly of MB, and the horse world is small…I can’t imagine how any judges, show secretaries, clinics, trainers, barns, working students, farriers, vets, etc won’t remember her name.


I dare say it’s not looking promising for making any US team.


Now what have the Fins ever done to you???


Russia seems like a good fit…


The psychiatrist, Simring, from this morning said that MB told him he got the gun from the safe before he went to the house to defend himself. MB was afraid they (LK & RG) might kill him.

If I remember correctly, that is.

According to Simring, MB does not remember anything after getting into the truck until sometime later, maybe in the ambulance or hospital.


Ever since the ear witness testimony, I felt like the sequence of events was likely that MB got there. They beat him, stopped when he was rendered unconscious. Ear witness called, RG went inside to do some clean up while LK talked, and in the meantime MB woke up and grabbed the gun that had been left unattended while they were distracted, shots fired, at which point RG and the dog burst out of the house and scuffled again until the officer got there.


All I’m going to say is go check the PBC court records !!!
Open the documents & dockets and also the charges & sentences tabs.
ETA: Palm Beach County Florida


Was it looking promising before?


Different reason!


Yeah, but was really a possibility before any of this?? For all her drama about her shoulder, her photos on a horse before the shooting were none too symmetrical - that left shoulder was rolled forward even pre 2019.


I had the exact same thought.

Dedicated practice coupled with intense physical therapy and the expenditure of enough money to buy something uber competitive while seeking a ride for a non teamed country may have worked.

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Right?! And I would tell the owner/trainer why I was leaving. I hope Paradigm understands the taint to their programme that will come from long-term association with people like this. No one at the barn signed up for exposure to these types. Can you imagine if you have a minor riding there? Even just having your fancy equipment in the tack room knowing of the current drug use.

The other thing to think about is other professionals who come to the farm. She’d have a go at anyone: farrier, vet, saddle fitter, staff, working students, and even family members of any of the foregoing.

If there’s not an all-hands meeting at that farm this week, they are not paying attention. They have a crisis on their hands and it is the gift that keeps on giving.


Well not just paradigm. What of the trainers? Now granted Helgstrand gets criticized often but will they want this kind of association?


The new barn might be afraid to ask her to leave lest it set off another all-out war and they become the next “B***ards” in need of “finishing”


This may be too off topic, but what would you do if you had been MB in this situation?

I see an open case, but am not sure what it is for.

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