Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I cooked a potato in the microwave tonight.

It took about seven minutes, which is the same length of time LK said they spent beating MB over the head in one of her statements to the police.

I don’t know if I’ll ever think of seven minutes the same way again after that comparison.


I can’t imagine how he must be feeling. After spending the past two years in jail, distanced from everyone and everything he’s known, mentally confused. And now, he’s seeing people that perhaps he thought they’d forgotten or abandoned him, on the stand swearing about his character and how much they admired and liked him. What is it like for those people to glance at him and see his condition now? How humiliating all this has been for him, but hopefully encouraging that people care and believe this was so out of character for him.


There’s one for him, too.
Is that typical, or were they really not going to go?

well, try to go a round with a heavy bag for 7 min.
Or in lieu of that, knead bread dough that long…

He’s waited years for this trial and now that it’s here I’m sure he’s scared pitless for his future.


There is a Contempt of court charge still open, and they both, LK and RG tried to avoid/fight the subpoena to return for trial in NJ 3/22//2022was contempt of court charge and there was a hearing on the 25th


That is what I couldn’t decide. Is this just a normal part of the subpoena process? Or did they try to get out of testifying?

I have a hard time believing she didn’t want her time in the spotlight to tell her tale and garner sympathy. (Even though that is not how it went.)


For the Dread Pirate Robers, and the fun he brings, here in return is a song to turn any pirate’s memory to the pure joy of stepping on deck of a day, and a fresh jump across the sea on a lively morning breeze. I think of Wesley when I hear this!


Supposedly she’s already driven a young man out of Paradigm shortly after she arrived. He rides an Andalusian. She then called other barns and fed them something that prevented anyone from letting him come in. And, he says she cost him a $140,000/yr job. He posted snippets of this on the Court chat right before it was taken down.


WTAF??? They were not going to return to testify???


Hoo boy.

Especially if they watched the working student witnesses on the stand. And the one mom who was pulling out her three horses and her working student daughter that week.


Right? After the 2 years of blustering about it all and then they weren’t going to go testify!!! They are the only thing the prosecution has. Wouldn’t the case almost have to be dropped without their testimony???


The only thing I can assume is they did not want the truth to come out!

I am speechless!


Okay…what are ya’ll looking at?!!


She’s currently lives really close to his farm….and she fixated. Hate to think the worst here….


Palm Beach County court records.


It’s crazy, the social media banning/shutdown is what got me wondering about a possible incident. Shudder unfortunately she is in my area and I access court stuff regularly irl. I’m thinking they finally realized everything they said, typed, emailed, etc. would be laid bare to the world and they would not fare well for their actions.


I’ve actually thought a lot about this. From a landlord perspective, there wasn’t much he could do except let the legal process of the eviction play out. I’ve actually had to get an order of protection against a tenant and all that did was bar me from my property while waiting for the eviction to take place. The court wouldn’t allow the OOP hearing to, in essence, replace the eviction process. For me, it was complicated, as I had to hire people to do what I typically did. For Michael, that would have been significantly more complicated. He could have left, but could he have left his horses, boarders, students, etc…behind? That’s a tough, tough call.


I wonder if somebody with a cooler head was able to read the tea leaves and predict how things were likely to go in court.


@Rhythm_Pace_Impulsion thank you so much for this!