Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I’m glad to hear they are good people. I was really questioning knowing she was allowed to drive someone out already and conduct a smear campaign against him (didn’t she accuse MHG of doing that to her?).

I’d say if you are friends, advise them to get their ducks in a row right now. The parties are unavoidably detained out of state. They should be on the phone with their lawyer and LK’s negotiating their removal. Use this window of time to get their departure hammered out, warn other clients so no one innocent is caught in the whole mess, and when they return to pack their stuff, have LE and security - a whole team - on the property before they arrive.

Given what happened to MB, that is how I would handle this. Better to spend a couple thousand on lawyers and security than fall victim to what happened in NJ. How could the staff and boarders there ever feel safe or that they weren’t being spied on and recorded? Nope. Negotiating their departure would be the only thing on my to-do list if I was Paradigm.

Finding out where I can take my horse(s) with 24 hours notice if Paradigm doesn’t get this done is the only thing on my to-do list if I’m a Paradigm client. Making sure my kid does not go to the barn until this is resolved is the only thing on my to-do list if I’m a Paradigm parent.



I must confess, I’m getting a little chuckle at the thought of the prosecutor‘s reaction to hearing that they were planning to skip the trial.

Particularly after he and his staff had spent however much time they spent poring through 19,000 pages of Facebook posts.

Another excellent use for the automatic closing line on this thread:

Who does that?!?!?!?


If she does they are in for a ride though FL may be more landlord friendly.


She has an apartment to rest in at the barn in between rides, in addition to her house. She felt it necessary to brag about it her on another thread.


She has an apartment too….and cameras.

Unless anyone wants to gamble on her lying on SM about this…


I think it says a lot about how deep and profound his depression was. When I had my first episode 15 years ago it was still something to keep very hush hush and private. No one I rode with ever knew


I feel sorry and worry for anyone in her vicinity.


Maybe she uses an on premises apartment at barns as a guarantee of rights to stay. A Plan B if you will.


If there’s a mistrial, do you think the State will try again?

OMG. The gobsmacks just keep on coming.

Plus they have 2 or 3 kids.


Is it complicated that Lauren has an “apartment” at the barn? Does that give her residency?


Sorry, what does PBC stand for?

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Palm Beach County Court.


But she also has an apartment at the barn to nap between rides.


Sorry about that it’s Palm Beach County, Florida

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I believe it could work for insanity, however as it seems right now it is playing more towards imperfect self defence. Being not guilty because of insanity requires you not knowing what you did was wrong,

" The insanity defense is an affirmative defense in New Jersey . This means that an individual who wants to use insanity as a defense must prove they lack the ability to understand the nature and consequences of their actions."

The first expert witness kind of dodged when this was asked and just restated that MB believed LK was going to kill him. However, that fear wouldn’t necessarily be considered reason to shoot LK.

" New Jersey law requires that the defendant has a duty to retreat first . If this is not possible, than the defendant must have reasonable belief about three subjects in order to constitute self defense:

  1. The force used must be immediately necessary
  2. The force against the defendant must be unlawful
  3. The amount of force used must be necessary

I feel sick


Slight pickle…NJ actually does not require you to retreat from your own home. Although I don’t know what the legal nuances are for NJ.


But what if he was not allowed to retreat? What if he was “choked out” as RG referred to?


If she’s rented it more than 30 days and the laws are like my state then yes. The only possible out is if she didn’t sleep overnight but that shot is exceedingly slim. But from discussions I’ve had with others FL has some weird laws for Landlord Tenant.