Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

“medication” probably. “I take medication from my injuries which makes me sleepy. I need a place to recover in between rides, I’ll pay?”


Pacing the property at night, hiring a night watchman, paying $5,000 for a listening device sweep?


I could see that round about the time the prosecutor says “btw, we will need to get in front of the defense with the drug use,” someone might have a hissy fit and refuse to keep playing. Because no-one looks like a bad ass mastermind once they admit in court to being a long time heroin addict. They now look simultaneously more dangerous and more unhinged.


I’d definitely be heading there. I would be taking advantage of this small window of time that she was out of state and making sure everything was done by the book, publicly, with the community and police on advanced notice. Any penalty for breach of contract/lease would be money well spent to me.

The one advantage they have right now is that she does not live in that apartment like she lived in MB’s house. It’s not a primary residence - or even a residence at all. It’s a crash pad. I would not let them back in for all the tea in China. Negotiate an exit from afar now and do not have them back on the property without LE witnesses, even a team of moonlighters or retired LEOs. I’d have the place bristling with cameras by tomorrow and 24-hour security until its all resolved. What went down in NJ was just so nightmarish that I would be freaking out right now.


As a boarder I’d just go while I could.

As the barn owner then yes to all that and more.


Personally, I would make arrangements to have them, their things and their horses taken off the property. I’d happily pay any fines or court fees if I ended up in court about it, but gone, baby gone.


But where to take them?

And you’d have to make sure you can’t be charged with anything like Grand Larceny.

Maybe a court can issue order placing them at a county run facility?


This description of them - your last line - is why I keep hoping that Justice Is not Blind in this case. For approximately 8 days the Jury has seen a defendant who has clearly been pushed over the edge mentally and suffered a psychotic break on the background of a campaign conducted for that very purpose. The expert testimony certainly clarified any remote inkling I might have had of him “putting it on”. He was/is broken by two other “experts” at mind-bending games. If the Jury is seeing what I am, I would think he must absolutely be found Not Guilty by reason of insanity/self defence (I understand the two go hand in hand in NJ).


LOL! You are working so hard to get some kind of conflict going.

He was sending an inspector out the next day to verify the work they did on their unit. It’s all on YouTube to watch again and again.

When it comes to evictions the landlord always wins. The tenant always has to go.

The ONLY thing not certain is when.

But like Thanos, eviction is inevitable



I seem to remember that the “agreement to vacate” (engineered by MB’s “equine” lawyer and LK’s father and attorney) was delivered/served to LK on August 6th. (I seem to remember that at the time this was said I thought that 24 hours didn’t give them much time to pack. But then, I remembered they weren’t packing furniture/large items/multiple knick-knacks, etc.)

MB’s “equine” attorney (sorry, I forget his name) said ‘yes, it wasn’t filed, and it was meant to “scare” LK/RG to leave.’ Somewhere/someone said that this was actually a kindness, as an official filing would have put a Blot on LK’s record, making it harder to find a place to rent. Also, somewhere/someone said that “non-filing” was common in these situations. I wish the “equine” lawyer had NOT used the word “scare”, explained that it was common to serve non-filed agreements, and how LK’s/anyone’s credit could be damaged by an official filing.

Just my remembering to the best of my ability.


I am a bit curious as to how Paradigm will handle things. Basically it will show whether or not they’re idiots, to put it frankly. I think some people will certainly be paying attention to see how they handle this. If they give LK proper notice to leave, they don’t have to find a place for her to go, that’s on LK. However, it may expedite things if they find her a new place…but who in their right mind would want her at their place?

Granted, it’s possible that she hasn’t caused any trouble in Florida and been on her best behavior, but when one hears about the details of this case, one has to wonder how long the good behavior will last. I’d be feeling rather uneasy if I were Paradigm, but I’m (very thankfully) not them. I just don’t know that a person like LK (and RG, I guess) can truly turn over a new leaf and maintain good/proper/nornal/legal behavior longterm. I wouldn’t want to bet on it, personally.

If Paradigm chooses to do nothing, then that’s on them, and if I were a boarder I’d really be looking at my other options. It’s also possible that JK has already stepped in to persuade them not to do anything if we judge based off of his actions in the past. It’s possible that things might be fine and contine to go ok, and if they want to take that “risk” and make that decision, then fair enough. Just speaking from an outsiders point of view here.

I don’t know JK, nor do I really want to, but his perspective might be interesting or disturbing re how he’s handled this whole thing and his daugter. It’s possible that he thought or thinks he’s doing his best to manage a difficult child. This could be why he throws so much money at her; it’s an attempt to appease her and keep her out of trouble/distracted by the horses. It’s possible that he’s gotten so far down the rabbit hole that he doesn’t know how to get out of it now (or maybe he doesn’t want to). We also don’t know what kind of pressures (it any) are put on him by the Mrs. It doesn’t excuse anything, and he certainly uses his “powers” to his advantage. I do imagine it’s tough having a child (who is well into adulthood) behave like that. People often think it’s a reflection of the parents, and sometimes it is. So while I don’t agree with his actions, and feel that he’s made his choices, I do wonder how he really feels. However, sometimes the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so who knows. Doesn’t matter really, just some thoughts I had.

Also, whatever remaining faith I have in the USEF and SS, will be diminished if they don’t ban LK. I feel as though this trial presented many offenses that are ban worthy.

I actually tried, perhaps foolishly, to give LK the benefit of the doubt in some instances. I was actually open to being wrong about a few things and willing to be proven wrong and/or have my mind changed by this trial. However, my initial impression and instinct was correct, and it’s just as bad, if not worse, as I originally thought.


He has remarried so I certainly hope their was a divorce!


Wow. What a turn this all has taken. I knew there would be some mix of the truths in there, but who knew all of elite three day eventing would turn up, with GM’s name even uttered. Who knew the big surprises from LK and RG would be…that they do indeed do heroin, and that they were in deed asked to leave, and that they indeed admitted to trying to ruin MB and MHG, and LK was running around the woods in the dark barefoot peeping in garage windows and jumping out of bushes in the night. I think the testimony from the two expert psych guys was the most compelling. I sure hope the prosecution doesn’t come up with some amateurish attempt to out do them. What a mess. Hoping for the best and MB is found not guilty. He didn’t deserve anyh of this.


I’m still waiting to learn what profession Lauren has to demonstrate a loss of income. We know she doesn’t vacuum under attorneys’ desks or flip burgers. No golden spatula for Lauren.


If that were the case, surely she would have been called already by the prosecution?

Possibly. Personally I think she might have been told some secret about what really went down, and either is holding onto secret tapes or else a secret of some kind that hasn’t been told to the prosecution. Not necessarily prosecution worthy. The other possibility is that she knows nothing, and is just a gushing (and I mean gushing) fan of Lauren’s and Lauren keeps her around for when she needs to be gushed on. Mabye that’s not fair; we all need good friends. Just an observation.


Catching up on the overnight discussion.

I certainly did not see that coming and as a wannabe eventer and super fan I almost fell out of my chair and could not text my trainer and DH fast enough to tell them.


And what about the whole “don’t cast your pearls before swine” thing? I don’t see LK or RG being particularly receptive to grace. Miracles do happen, though.

ETA - they don’t seem very repentant. You have to be repentant first to receive grace. And there is a lot Proverbs about avoiding the wicked, etc. very worrisome.

