Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I watched Court TV’s analysis of the expert witnesses and they described it as a swing and a miss for the prosecution to go after the experts on their own turf. They said these tests have been used for years and years and it is boring for the jury. I agree especially about the boring part.


The divorce was filed by him and granted within 90 days, by the court of Rockingham County. He is a firearms enthusiast, who may have rubbed off on LK. He works at a local pawn shop, selling firearms, jewelry, and other assorted items. Got remarried and has a bundle of children with a nice, decent working-class woman.


Two and a half years. And he hasn’t seen, or smelled, or touched a horse in that time. For a lifelong professional horseman, that would be additional torment. That man desperately needs the outside of a horse.


There are no clear records of her being employed, anywhere. What little there is in the data piles suggests that she apparently took on administrative/clerical work in NC, when she was in exile from her family.


I wonder (perhaps depending on the verdict and sentencing) if MB could get into a therapeutic riding/horse program. His riding and skills could be much higher than the people running the program or the typical rider in the program, but it’s still a way for him to be involved. Even if he’s allowed to groom, help with chores, and sit on a horse just for the sake of it. I’m not sure that he’d be interested, but I just wonder if it’s an option as part of a rehabilitation program of sorts.

I’ve also seen equine programs in coordination with various prisons as some sort of activity or work for convicts.


I have been too busy at work/life to watch much this week. Thank you to those posting recaps of the testimony! Sounds like an emotional week.


The agreement to leave was not written and the terms were not given to Lauren because the ear witness had not told her anything about it before she was shot. He called to tell her the terms.

The eviction notice was delivered on the 6th but it had not been filed. Without being filed, it was not enforceable. Once filed, then the court would issue an eviction with a time line and the sheriff would enforce it. That would take either 3 days if he could get the emergency eviction or 30 days from the court issuing an eviction.

RGs admitted, under oath, current Heroine use would make me want them both off my farm pronto, even if the other revelations from the trial weren’t sufficient.

But are the primaries at Paradigm paying close enough attention?
Did they hear the Dr narrative of MBs fear for his girlfriends kids?
Yes its delusional, but the real impact of that delusion is how much of it is rooted in actual facts and actions of these two characters.

I hope they don’t think they’re especially blessed and thus able to fix these two middle aged adults.


To be fair, almost everyone in the dressage world who winters in Florida lives in the same town / area. There are probably more people based in Lox than right in Wellington, due to the cost.


The Psychologist, Dr Hasson, is receiving quite a grilling from prosecution. Much more than Singing did.

What did he testify to that has them worried?

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If I recall correctly, the “apartments” at Paradigm are just studio suites. Basically one room plus bathroom, so not exactly the full-blown apartment everyone is picturing.


If you were her current trainer, and you’ve had the chance to see all of this information about her and her BF laid out in front of you, would you be brave enough to kick them to the curb? Not many would. I bet they’re absolutely terrified of them both now though, and are desperately trying to beef up their security and monitoring devices whilst trying not to upset her in any way - so she’s winning again. :pensive:


The house purchased for her was one she apparently lived in for some time as a renter, before it sold. She had posted photos of herself in the pool, when it was raining. It isn’t a dump, per-say, but it’s not a particularly nice home and it is nothing special. The only real selling point it has is a pool, which is not uncommon in Southern Florida homes. The only logical reason why her name is on the deed with her father’s is because it needs to be there in order to get renovation work done, as her father lives in NJ and can’t come down to FL to deal with that. [edit] Apart from that, it’s also probable that she is trying to pull the same stunt she pulled with MB, but could be more methodical about it this time. At this point, she likely doesn’t want the additional scrutiny and has clearly taken steps to ensure secrecy, so it’s gonna be a wait-and-see game after the trial is over.


Nothing the other didn’t testify to, I think because of the first Dr.'s reputation and CV, the prosecution felt they couoldn’t pull his testimony apart; they will be using him for their own work, in the future, he’s that well known. But the second guy, they have no reservations abusing, and took delight in tearing him a new one.


I did wonder about that possible reason.

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The home is also within half that distance of MB’s property. The same one she likely has eyes on taking from him, with her civil suit.


Wow, ok.

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That’s horrible. Can these people not be stopped? I feel awful for everyone who has to deal with them in any way, shape, or form.


Not saying I want her to win her civil suit - the opposite, in fact. I hope MB sues her into oblivion. But If ever there was a case for someone having their own barn and NOT being a boarder, this is it.


The arrangement at Paradigm was made when LK had a shred of credibility, after the shooting and sympathy was largely on her side, so she had open doors and such. Now, nobody will want to touch her [edit].