Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Apologies if this has already been addressed. I am trying to catch up with overnight postings. :slight_smile:

I can totally see how LK/RG might argue the legality of the subpoena due to the fact that it associated an incorrect address with her.

“Oh, they don’t mean ME. They mean the LK that lives at …”


I’m confused.

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If I’m a juror - What options are there if I don’t think there’s enough evidence to convict MB of shooting LK, but I think in his current state he’s a danger to the public and needs to get some help before returning?

He’s a total wreck, and with those diagnoses of delusions on an unusually high level, he needs some serious professional help.

Permits. She needs to be one of the property owners to pull permits. (edit, if she’s not a licensed contractor, which RG is not).


I wonder how Lauren will react to the deafening frosty silences she will experience at Paradigm between now and whenever she clears out?

She was complaining about the lack of chatter before the trial. I figured she meant both when she was there and lack of anything being said when reviewing her recordings later. I doubt anything said to or around her will qualify as conversation.

Maybe people will openly use a dry erase board until the situation is resolved.


It is the defense lawyer’s job to show the victims in the worst way possible in order to get sympathy for MB. He shot her twice and shot at RG once.



The homeowner or an authorized agent has to authorize expenditures or changes.

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LK can’t hire contractors to fix up the home without her name on the home’s deed. Contractor’s require documents signed by a home owner and will generally “only deal with a home owner” when they show up to offer their services. It’s that way for legal and insurance purposes. With her name on the deed, LK acts as a “registered agent” for her father’s interests, as far as the legalities of property ownership are concerned.


And doing whatever they could to delay the case…knowing they would be exposed as vindictive squatters and grifters who embarked on a relentless campaign to destroy MB.

Methinks JK had a hand in this - doing what he could to “protect” Daughter Dearest from having to face the music.


I’m still stuck on him not being in the gallery, because he was testifying… and then he never does.


You mean his “Mini Me”. With a dash of beauty pageant smarmy insincerity via her dam.


If any of you are wondering about the contents of LK’s Pinterest, it was mostly girly-girl stuff. Most of it was wedding stuff that was probably put up there when her sister’s got married, the rest consisted of some home decoration pins, some motivational stuff, some fitness pins, a bit of Equestrian/horse pins, and a section jammed in the middle of that giant pile of pins that contained a lot of apparent or outright references to being violent/dangerous/mentally ill and not someone to be crossed. Basically, it was what you’d expect from her, knowing her as we now do.


No one deserves to be shot, this is true.

But can you honestly say this is someone you’d want to hang around with, be friends with, trust with any part of your life?

Even though the defense does have to emphasize the negative, the evidence is still overwhelming, imho, that these are just evil evil people.


What do you mean, not sure I un derstand? She was complaining of lack of what chatter? People at Paradigm not talking alot? What does that mean, lack of chatter?

I’ve also seen equine programs in coordination with various prisons as some sort of activity or work for convicts.

Thoroughbred retirement foundation has some prison programs (at least, they used to). I imagine it would be a bit surreal for the staff of those farms to have an inmate with Olympic level experience and skill show up.


That’s so horrible if true. That’s like a hostage situation for those poor people. And they have young children exposed to all this stuff. Ugh, I feel terrible for them.

If they get help to handle it the right way I think they can get out, but they’d have to do it fast as the longer she’s there the more entitled she’ll feel.

As bad as I feel for them, at least they had some agency in the whole thing. I feel even worse for the nice, normal Paradigm clients who had no bloody idea what had just landed in their midst. Now their happy place where they hang out with their horses has a huge black cloud hanging over it. They can never feel comfortable that they aren’t being recorded or that she won’t take a notion to hate one of them and go nuclear again.

What a crap situation for everyone. :frowning:


I genuinely think that she wanted an outraged public to storm the court house, drag MB out, throw up a rope on the nearest suitable tree, and hang him while beating him with baseball bats. That seems to be how her mind functions and the overall lack of attention at that point - two years or so had passed from the shooting - and the negative information piling up against her, pushed her to go out and call attention to the trial. She was going around to threads and such on other platforms, trying to negate sympathy for him and to drum up possible support for her endgame.


What other platforms was she trolling? Did she threaten people like she did here?


Yeah, what platforms? THat would be interesting.

The worst part of having her at Paradigm would be having her high there. Is she lying in RG’s truck at the barn stoned and smoking? The risk of having their drugs at Paradigm would wipe P’s reputation right off the map. They have to get them out, if only for that reason.