Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

During the trial, she was definitely lurking in the various chats and boards and other places, using an alter to threaten and manipulate others, but before the trial began, she was going around under her regular SM accounts (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and doing the “poor me” bit or “I’m the victim and I’m telling you, he’s awful! You’ll see it!” routine.


Interesting, that on the Paradign Facebook page, it says “trains with Allison Brock”. I can’t imagine she wouldn’t give them a major “heads up”. Very strange they would allow her there.


People with certain - ahem - disorders don’t think they have done anything to be repentant about. It’s the rest of the world that is WRONG - not them.


Can someone remind me when the trial starts today? I know its midday but forgot the time. Please and thanks. :slight_smile:

She complained that people were very quiet at Paradigm. A comment about not much said in the cross-ties (not a quote - that is what I recall). Sounds like she wasn’t getting what she wanted - which I suspect is information to launch her next attack.

Predators don’t change overnight, if they change at all.


Eh, I dont know. There’s alot of “except for me and thee” among current american christians, and their favorite thing is to hate the world “out there” and hold close their circle of believers patting themselves on the back for being more rightous and holy than everyone else. LK and RG might fit right in. Especially if they receive a dispensation for their crimes and can start over, strong in the belief that they are rightous and worthy of success and money. A whole crowd of people and contacts ready to give them a leg up on a new start. Christianity might be right up their ally.


1 or 130 pm. I am leaning towards 130.


As horrific as the situation is that might take him to such a place, how wonderful for those horses would it be to have someone like him working with them.


Par for the course. I can easily imagine them starting a ministry and fleecing people with their lies about being reformed sinners and former addicts (while carrying on as they have for decades).


Unfortunately it looks like they no longer have an NJ facility (though I’m sure TRF isn’t the only org doing something like that)

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Sounds like my kind of barn - people are there to work hard an see their horses, not socialize. Good for them.


Or it’s very social, just not with them!


It may be that but apparently the other boarders were willing to speak to her (and one another) until recently.

So she may be stymied in her efforts to gather information on her next targets.


I have to be honest, I almost feel badly that the farm she is currently at has been named on this thread. It’s a viral thread, and their business name will be damaged by their association with her. Just look at who testified on MBs behalf at trial. The horse community in general is small… at the upper levels… even smaller.

They would be wise to speak to good attorneys right now, and develop a plan. And then follow their legal plan, to the letter.

They would be wise to call all current clients together in some sort of town hall style meeting, offsite, at someone’s home. Or speak to clients one on one. But just talk to them, and give them a chance to voice their concerns. People just want to be heard, and have their fears and concerns considered, in situations like this.

They would be wise to review recording laws in the state of Florida, and make sure LK is aware that they do NOT consent to any devices being placed anywhere on their property for the purposes of recording other people’s conversations. They would be wise to state clearly that they value the privacy of all their clients, and recording games with respect to other people’s conversations are not allowed on their property.

Lastly… I would imagine that after this trial is over… she will face some sort of SafeSport repercussions for her own conduct. The bullying, harassing and gaslighting is documented. It is pretty much unparalleled in the sport. Across disciplines. That says quite a lot… so… the farm she currently keeps her horses at and does business with needs to be planning for this. They can’t really have an ongoing business relationship with someone who is suspended or banned by SafeSport and USEF.

Since I know nothing about the farm… I think it’s important to give them the benefit of the doubt. Not everyone is on social media. Some people actively avoid it (go figure). But now a lot of information is public, given the trial. And… it’s time for them to deal with the situation in a professional and careful way.


Still catching up on this. 200 posts to go

Could it be possible also that they are so unreliable given all their sleeping that the prosecutor didn’t feel
Confident and to ensure he had no issues he subpoenaed them in this manner?

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What is Florida Recording Law? Florida’s recording law is a “two-party consent” law. This means that all individuals engaged in a private conversation must all consent to any audio recording of the conversation to be legal . For example, you are prohibited from recording a phone call without every person’s consent.


Wow, that is quite a condemnation of a whole bunch of good people. Granted there are some sects of Christianity that are a bit over the top with their beliefs, but in general, people have to find salvation on their own. IOW, they have to WANT salvation and truly believe in it and accept it to the core of their being - and I doubt LK/RG are of that mindset.

But let’s not get off on a tangent about religion…


Now, unlike Nick Peronace, Lauren may well have an excuse to think that dressage judges are “out to get her”


Not a snowballs chance in hell they’d do this again. They have enough egg on their face. If there’s a mistrial, I see them going after lk and RG for perjury and maybe other crimes.


When you say “them” I am assuming you mean LK/RG. If so, I totally agree with you. They are master manipulators - I pity the good people who “took them in.”