Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Hypothetically, could the defense call the prosecution and question them on this rather significant address “typo” to show that “typos” aren’t so unusual and devious after all? Given that they attempted to imply that yesterday?


A cornered dog that’s been poked and prodded may bite.
Heck, Rosie bites unprovoked and un-cornered. :wink:

No one deserves to be shot, and no one deserves to be made to feel unsafe in their own home by a guest.


I think it was pointed out some while ago that lawyers will often subpoena all their witnesses, whether they are enthusiastic or not, to avoid anyone deciding they just won’t show up after all at the last minute, and ruin their case. That they were subpoenaed doesn’t surprise me, that they didn’t show up to the hearing Florida put on to determine if there was a reason they shouldn’t honor the New Jersey request of getting two of their residents sent up there, that surprises me. Sounds like they tried to skinny out at the last minute.


And didn’t even RG say on the stand that Rosie has bitten him “many times”?


I’m wondering about perjury.

Also… if ever someone should have been prosecuted for illegal recording… it is in this particular case. Seriously. The statute of limitation might have already run out though… I don’t know the specifics of their laws.

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Yes, I am referring to Lauren Kanarek and Robert Goodwin.

I can easily see her with huge fake eyelashes and mascara running down her face while others collect the donations.


The state didn’t bring this trial. All of it can be laid squarely on the local government, the same one that LK’s parents spent a lot of time and money ingratiating themselves with in the 80’s and 90’s. The state is involved, but only in the broadest sense, and they won’t likely spit out orders for another go-round and foot the bill for it, if there is a mistrial, even if JK tries to pull strings to make it happen, which I suspect he wouldn’t since the attention on his family has been almost entirely negative since the trial began.




And shark eyes. Scary and dead shark eyes.


But does JK even care that this trial happens? After all, LK and RG were almost no shows… and they are the two essential witnesses. It’s hard to claim you care about justice being served, when your own daughter is in contempt of court, and squirming hard to avoid testifying under oath…




I bet they purposely gave that address as their new address, giggling all the while.


Yes. Yes he did.

I think it was expected that MB would fold, bend over, and take it in the pooper with a plea agreement, so that they could move on to the civil suit and take everything from him. JK is not a court attorney and has never ever practiced “real law”, in the “Law & Order” sense, so he can’t make any claims about wanting justice done or caring about any noble cause, such as “the rule of law” protecting the people. In my mind, I can just see him saying to LK “Yes dear, this man will pay for what he’s done to you and we’ll move on to the next phase of your manifest destiny.”.


Thats what I think


Can someone explain why Safe Sport hasn’t banned LK? 19000 pages of bullying and threats certainly fits the criteria.


This makes more sense, on a general level.

How long was the potential plea agreement still available to MB? Right up until trial?

I’m wondering about the timing of that hearing in Florida to compel LK and RG to testify, and comparing the timing.

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And MHG sent them much of that already in 2019.
If ever there was a clear cut case, this is it.


  1. They have to put a lot of work into an investigation against her, regardless of the pile of evidence they have.

  2. The court cases have to be cleared out first.

  3. She has definitely done some bad things, but until she really presents herself as a serious threat and there’s evidence that she has done something heinous and evil enough to be considered criminal, it’s unlikely that anything will happen.


Yes, me too - a la Tammy Faye Bakker… Blech.