Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Yup. I always assumed it was a matter of them waiting until the criminal case was resolved, and even then, they would hesitate because she is a shooting victim, after all.

But now? After the testimony everyone heard at trial? SafeSport needs to act.


If I understand SS correctly, they defer bullying to USEF. There are no children in immediate harm per their standards in this instance. She was not leveraging a power imbalance via a coaching relationship (ie she was not in power in that sense ).
Her behavior should violate a code of conduct but does USEF even have one??


I wonder if this is the “out” they’re (edit, her boarding barn) waiting for?
If SS acts, they may think getting her out of their business might be easier?

I sure hope they have a boarding contract. An iron clad ine, with lots of escape routes for them clearly outlined, and undeniably recognized by her.

But would the hostel she naps in change that, if it wasn’t also addressed in that contract.

Let this be a warning to all, contracts, contract, contracts.
Written up by someone like Mr Tarshus.



Oh no, please don’t say that. I don’t want to get into a religious discussion here (I stay away from CE, generally) but there are Christians out there who are aghast at the behavior of these two. None of their behavior is Christ-like. Okay. Tangent done.


Hmmmm. I think you are right about this. People send their complaint to SS, to protect anonymous reporting, but then some complaints, like bullying, are kicked back to the NGB to handle.

I have to go back and review her comments on the SafeSport thread from several months ago. I found it really weird at the time that she interjected herself on that thread and started talking in circles… so I tried to be diplomatic to her and sort of ignore her.

But now? Now it’s much more clear. She was yammering on about ‘corruption’ at the NGB level for a reason.


All this is true as to LK, but don’t forget her father had been working behind the scenes making decisions and plans. There’s no way of knowing if she abdicated making these decisions to him (“I’ll take care of everything, kitten” “yes Daddy, these mean people make my head hurt”) so she’d given a blank approval as the process began. That’s how you manage someone like this. Imagine someone who chooses to jump into a vault toilet wanting to make sure the rope is a silk blend and not hemp when being rescued.

Unless you know different?


Nothing until this afternoon, correct?

Her what now?

If Daddy writes all the checks, does he technically own the horses the checks paid for? Is it him, by way of the payment, who technically is in contract with her trainers, etc… like it would be if she were an actual minor?


This whole case should be an interesting example of why blending horse boarding and human living/rental agreements in one large contract is a BAD idea. Keep them in two separate contracts. Because they are really two separate things.

When a boarding situation goes bad, a farm owner can resort to a stable man’s lien most of the time. But when someone like LK is living on your property in an apartment, and things go wrong… it’s a whole different ball game.


Oh I’m sure she knew!!


I found an article dated 02/28 that Michael turned down the plea in a hearing. I think you’re on to something here. They probably were expecting him to take the plea.

This also answers some questions I had in my mind from when I was watching their testimony. Back then, before I had read anything about them, I really wondered why the prosecutor and his team hadn’t done a better job of prepping them. Now I know that a) they weren’t exactly cooperating and b) they weren’t exactly prepable (for lack of a better word.)


She’s actually just an owner and isn’t representing anyone. She can tell the construction company to do anything she wants depending on her mood.

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She popped up on the “People Attempting to Undermine SafeSport” thread in the HJ forum several months ago. And then tried to monopolize the discussion in a weird way. I didn’t really get it at the time, because I had t participated in the Barisone threads. I knew she had issues, and knew that MB had been banned … but I had no idea she had been reported for bullying, or the extent of who and what was involved.

Now? Now her past comments on that thread make sense. She was clearly alleging USEF was a corrupt little circle out to get her. USEF may have issues (all NGBs do)… but honestly… they have stayed hands off on this case until now, most likely, because of pending criminal charges and the fact that she’s a shooting victim. They aren’t “out to get her”


That was a total burn by the prosecutor!


Lauren giving MHG’s address as her own was definitely Lauren’s way of telling MHG (and EVERYONE in the world) that she can find you wherever you go.

If she fancies herself as dangerous I can see her studying “The Godfather” or “Black Mass” for handy tips.


How soon after the appointments would the prosecutor have info from the two Drs?
I wonder if MBs mental state during those appointments further assured the Prosecution that a trial was unlikely?

I researched the first day of trial, to see again the LEO testimony and hear the 911 call again, which was interesting.

But moreso, watching MB on the first day, listening to the cops etc… and then seeing him almost literally wither as the two primary witnesses (LK and RG) testimony further abused him…
I wonder if they felt he would, based on his fragile state, be encouraged to take the plea also.


The point is someone needs to authorize any construction and sign contracts, etc.
Either an owner or an authorized agent.


Clerical work? You mean she was a… CLERK?

And not even one with a badge?

Unt once again, IRONY.


Damn, she is just like NP. Yikes