Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Can’t the horse community start a petition to have her banned? Asking for a friend :slight_smile:


This will be used against them as well. If she senses a leader in this stonewalling, that’s who she’ll target, or their friend, if they are too tough.


Yes indeed. No one in her vicinity is likely to get away unscathed.


I think there is a big overestimation of the consequences that will come to LK.

While she certainly bullied someone, it wasn’t a child. SafeSport is likely not going to ban her from anything. Likely not USEF either, unless there is a specific complaint to them?

She bullied someone, which is not acceptable behaviour. She did some borderline illegal/to be determined illegal things. I highly suspect the prosecutor’s office has no desire to try to charge her with small time things like this, no matter emotional result some feel.

Unfortunately she bullied a man susceptible and vulnerable to mental illness, and he indeed was pushed into psychotic break, if you understand / believe the testimony given by Simring and Hasson(?). Whether that results in a guilty, not guilty, or a not guilty due to insanity, that’s for the Jury and the law to decide.

I imagine that MB will spend a lot of time in inpatient care regardless of the outcome. Psychotic breaks aren’t necessarily transient and they don’t necessarily disappear the minute he is released from prison, even if he has a decent support system.

The thought that he’ll be back to giving lessons and clinics in the future is a bit bizarre to me. I’m not sure that’s in his near future, even if released next week.

LK f*&%D around and found out with a poorly (or not) chosen target. She likely has some mental health issues of her own. How her family deals with her is their private matter. Until you are in a situation like this with a child, I think it’s naïve to judge how they are managing their relationship with her.

I think there are some misguided beliefs here of consequences that should or should not be levied against someone who almost lost her life due in part to her own actions. That’s a pretty severe consequence, whether you like her or not.

Perhaps I’ll get roasted here, but those are my thoughts.


USEF doesn’t have any say in what cases SafeSport pursues or what sanctions they impose. SafeSport likely stayed hands off because an adult woman claiming bullying and body shaming by an adult man isn’t high in their priority list. My understanding is that cases involving abuse of minors, particularly sexual abuse, is their primary focus.


It would depend on how things are titled. If it’s his money and these are in his name (to make her judgement proof?) Then yes, he’s the owner. If it’s his money but in her name, that’s just a gift to her. If it’s her money and he’s just her agent, that’s also hers. If they are both named on things, hes not a very smart lawyer. IMHO.


Yes, that is what Safe Sport cares about. It exists to protect minors only.


OMG, Now I spit on my keyboard, you weasel.


I don’t understand your post.

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Yes, sorry, just being a lawyer.


I’ve only vaguely followed his history. Mostly because, to the casual observer, some of the comments on the forum threads were pretty funny. In the sense that there are some very clever people who post on these forums…

But yeah. They are similar. You just know she’s going to react to being ostracized by trying to sue people. If it really is on USEF to hand down the sanctions related to a bullying violation of SafeSport code (because SafeSport focuses on the sexual and physical abuse cases)… well… LK has telegraphed LOUD AND CLEAR that she will sue USEF and allege corruption because certain people have close ties to MB.

Ugggh. What a total cluster *uck. As bad as I feel for MB, I also feel horribly for MHG. Because the LK insanity just goes on and on for her. And… SafeSport and USEF aren’t really protecting MHG. But they really should. It’s well past time


USEF exists to take and make money. Read their publicly available tax documents. If they have a code of conduct I would be very surprised if she crossed any line.


I know a couple of people who took lessons there this winter and they very much enjoyed the atmosphere. Friendly and welcoming but quiet and professional. One of them encountered LK a few times and made polite small talk, one of them did not know she was there.


I’m not talking about anyone staying hands off with respect to LKs complaint.

MHG also filed a complaint. Against LK. LK has pretty much cyber stalked MHG, harassed her, and made comments threatening MHGs children.

Yes… this situation involves two adult women, but also one woman’s minor children. But it’s pretty serious (the harassment, bullying and threats on the part of LK). SafeSport and USEF have taken no action, and imposed no sanctions, even temporary sanctions, on LK yet though.

I presume they wanted to wait on this criminal proceeding to finish first.

Hope that clarifies the SafeSport comments


Not true. Consider the Serio case.


I have to admit, while I think the trial certainly didn’t make her look good and some individuals in the horse world may tend to avoid her on that basis, I’m skeptical as to whether she’ll face much in the way of real world consequences beyond that. She has an enabling family and aside from the shooting, has managed to dodge any significant responsibility for the stress and harm she’s caused to others up to this point. People with personality disorders seem to be very adept at weaseling out of situations and making themselves appear to be the victim in all circumstances.


From the very first page of the USEF rulebook:

That sport is something done for the fun of doing it and that it ceases to be sport when it becomes a business only, something done for what there is in it;
That amateurism is something of the heart and spirit - not a matter of exact technical qualifications;
That good manners of sport are fundamentally important;
That the code must be strictly upheld;
That the whole structure of sport is not only preserved from the absurdity of undue importance, but is justified by a kind of romance which animates it, and by the positive virtues of courage, patience, good temper, and unselfishness which are demanded by the code;
That the exploitation of sport for profit alone kills the spirit and retains only the husk and semblance of the thing;
That the qualities of frankness, courage, and sincerity which mark the good sportsman in private life shall mark the discussions of his interests at a competition.”


Is this on the SafeSport thread too?
Its raining, so I’ve got time here…

Nice to see. Now to find out what they can do about her.

I have no interest or need to join USEF. I prefer to stick with local clubs.


That was an imbalance of power, right?