Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

There may have been no need for her to sign off on the agreement.


Imagine being LK’s ex-husband … just some ordinary, blue collar guy from NC who thought he’d met a pretty young blond girl with a rich daddy who said she loved him, the old princess-falls-for-commoner trope.

Imagine how he must feel looking at her now, with his (presumably) normal life and wife and kids. What a bullet he dodged.


Both experts testified that their reports were complete and provided to the defense at some point late in 2020, which appears to be around the same time this prosecutor was given the case. I don’t know when the defense would have turned them over to prosecution. According to what I read, the plea was offered in mid February 2022 and then rejected within a couple weeks.

I agree with you that the prosecution assumed they’d take the deal. And when they didn’t I feel like he started to scramble, with less than willing and credible witnesses.

I am extremely interested in what he’s going to do for rebuttal, and what kind of expert he may call. It appears from his cross of the second expert that he’s looking for testimony on malingering or feigning, but I could be wrong.


I had heard she was training with Ulf, but apparently she’s at Paradigm Dressage? Does anyone know?


Over 2.5 years of LK bashing on social media, calling her all kinds of medical psychiatric terms and worse and promoting violence against her, now SS should ban her for picking on MB on social media? That’s a double edged sword.

The man just went through a divorce, a business partnership split, a new girlfriend, that relationship deteriorating, he is aging, he had I think 8 concussions, he suffered child abuse both physical and sexual, he ran a boarding and training stable dealing with big money big ego clients and the stress of international competition and training. One troubled woman is incapable of sending him over the edge.

Yes, he needs help. A not guilty be insanity and self defense may be the best result because he will be institutionalized and get help.

You shoot people, you face consequences.


I think people calling for SS action aren’t just referring to her actions/commentary against MB but the totality of her past harassment and actions.


The ear witness said LK was the client and had to agree to the terms. She is of age so unless her father is her legal guardian or has been given power of attorney, he can’t make legal agreements on her behalf, regardless if she requests his assistance in negotiating.

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No roasting from me…LK is without a doubt EVIL PERSONIFIED and the Lord above knows this…that being said, she’ll reap what she sowed…ten fold, hopefully!
I strongly believe what goes around comes around…and YES…Auntie Karma will pay her a long overdue visit one day. LK’s delusions of grandeur will be obliterated.


Correction: calling her out on her behavior before 2019 and since then.

I love that the state of NJ had to seek a court order to compel her (and RG) to show up and testify. Even more telling is the address she used to misdirect the DA and to send a menacing message to the real occupant. Classy!

Carry on.


It’s buried somewhere on the forums. But it involved two adults. An imbalance of power situation though. My point though was that they do, indeed, consider cases not involving children.

I do understand what others are saying - @EADoug in particular- LK did get shot. That’s a consequence unto itself. I get it. Wishing LK was prosecuted for other charges like illegal wiretapping and perjury - well - some of us watching this closely are losing some perspective simply because we are outraged and sad about what happened to MB.

But… there are things like codes of conduct and SafeSport for a reason. The complaints that MB and MHG filed back in August of 2019? Geez. There clearly was some merit. LK is an ongoing risk to anyone participating in the sport. She has a trail of victims behind her… I think she should face some sort of sanctions at some point for her harassment behavior.


… I think you misunderstood the tone of my post…


This would be another example of a plot twist that sounds completely outlandish and unlikely and ridiculous.

Unless you’ve heard something about the history of the people involved.


How so?


Another thing? LK weaponized SafeSport against MB and MHG with whatever the allegations were that she made with respect to MHGs child being at risk. SafeSport kicked whatever that complaint was to the local child welfare (DCPP is the correct acronym I believe). DCPP IMMEDIATELY went out and investigated and questioned the mother of those kids.

It’s against SafeSport code to file false complaints with the specific intent of harassing other competitors… isn’t it?!?

This seems like a good case for SafeSport to use to make the point that people should NOT be using SafeSport complaints as a means of harassing other competitors…


It is alleged.


Getting booted from COTH must have her upset. Maybe she is filing a lawsuit right now to demand they reinstate her, turn over the identities of every poster who doesn’t support her and generally behaving as she has for decades.

No doubt she is reading along. Has she knitted a sock yet or maybe she has a scribe who is a member.


Now who’s doing armchair diagnosis?
Two experts disagree with you. shrug

What is important to note, is that while all those pressures, in bold, were going on he was happy, healthy, a successful equine business owner (talk about rare!) and a friend and mentor, that went out of his way for others (he flew on his dime to help Boyd Martin at the London Games, iirc).

So all those hallmark, well documented stressors did not cause a psychotic break, he “just” had classic depression… In the end the actions of these two people was the straw bale that did this.
Methodical. Merciless. Prolonged.

If they hadn’t harassed him, Lauren wouldn’t have been in danger from his actions during a psychotic break.

If he is being tried in order to hold him accountable for what his role was, why shouldn’t others involved be?


Hut-ho ! I think you might be onto something :smirk:


You do the things LK, RG, and JK do, you should also face consequences; and they have a back log of years and years of hideous behaviour to answer for.

That some people finally decided to call her out does not equal bashing. Again, for some people, being held accountable for their behaviour, no matter how repulsive, is a foreign and unpleasant experience because they have not been held accountable before. That doesn’t mean it’s ‘bashing’, though it might feel that way to someone who has lacked boundaries and accountability for their actions for over 40 years.

Also, anyone who is so bloody clueless as to cry salty tears over ‘LK bashing on social media’ is not keeping up, at all. There’s 19,000 pages of info that might help you understand why it is comical you’d bring this up.


I wonder why JK keeps enabling LK? Yes, I get the whole parent thing, but as a parent, tough love is also sometimes part of helping a (40+) child grow up. Let her hit rock bottom. Pull the finances and sell the horses.