Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Oh heck…she blocked me on Twitter for disagreeing with her and I’m sure she still reads my tweets. Lucky me lol


I remember that sort of vaguely.

And I remember being surprised that no one seemed to have thought of serving her at a horse show, when they knew exactly when and where she would be appearing to ride in the show ring at her appointed time. And even wearing a number on the horse for easy identification.

That approach would actually work much better at a dressage show with a designated ride time than at any hunter/jumper show. The process server might have to sit around and wait all day in hunter land. Lol.


The atty, JK LK and it seems illegal recorder RG were all present in a meeting a day before the shooting. Specifications as to vacatur would have been discussed then as the lawyer who was present was identified in court, and testified to being their Landlord Tenant attorney.

No on can be expected to believe that the details of vacatur were not hashed out then during that meeting.


With a 7 day notice served or a 3 day the Landlord could THEN, IN THE ABSENCE OF VACATUR file in court.

One could easily interpret your remarks as misleading or disingenuous as you appear to be pushing a moot narrative. These are tenants who were so unhappy that they engaged in a course of behavior unbecoming to civilized society yet they wouldn’t go.


But where to send the horses? Talk about handing somebody a grenade with the pin out.



As far as allegations that everyone is “bashing” LK, and engaging in “victim shaming” -

C’mon now. Stop with the false dichotomy BS. Or Kafka trap BS. Or however the heck we want to best describe this particular little rhetorical tactic.
It’s beyond ridiculous.

This situation is not a simple matter of either “support the victim” or you are “blaming the victim.”

Heck, it’s not even a matter of “speak no ill of the victim” or you are “victim shaming.”

This situation is a real life tragedy and a real life crime. And there are many many layers, and shades of grey involved.

I’m so tired of this weird societal tendency to reduce everything to a binary level. That’s not how the real world and human beings work.


I don’t know. In August it looks like two parties using SS as a weapon which by itself is a violation. That would mean banning MB, MHG, and LK. At this point, it’s all in the courts, everyone was scared and stressed, and MB’s deteriorating mental condition was scaring and grieving everyone. LK’s and RG’s behavior was scary to everyone. If it is correct that LK was/is in recovery from heroine use, then his deteriorating mental state could have been a large factor in her increased agitation, then hers feeding his, etc. I suspect this is two people crossing paths at the wrong time. I suspect that he was on his way to a breakdown anyway, which in a perfect world may have led to a quiet placement in a mental treatment center provided someone else then did not become his obsession. I suspect, his instability had a strong effect on LK at a time she needed to be in a stable stable environment. I suspect that not only is MB high risk of suicide or as he has shown, worse, this puts her at risk of dropping out of recovery and more self harm including suicide. I think all of their parents and friends are distraught over how all this turned out and felt helpless to stop it. His lawyer friend testified to screaming at him. The parent bashing is odd. Once kids are in their teens, they are hard to control and once drugs are involved, help is limited.

I don’t think SS will act on this because it’s too complicated and murky but future behavior may receive swift action. If SS went after every rude, high stress, person who could be a jerk to others, and misused drugs and alcohol, who would be left?


I thought possibly she had been suspended for the duration of the trial to comply with the judge’s request that witnesses not use SM.


Tsk, tsk, tsk! The amount of victim shaming going on here! You should be ashamed! (sarcasm for those in the back.)

You have no idea how wonderful it is to see that FINALLY people outside NC are learning the depths this family is willing to go to harass and threaten people for absolutely no discernible meaning.

I am thoroughly enjoying reading these posts! Hallelujah!


This is beyond mind-boggling.

To use a new favorite phrase…

Who DOES that?


Hmm… A legit complaint and a fabricated complaint…
Only ONE of those is using SS as a weapon, the other is lodging a complaint which is what the SS body is for.:thinking:


And an additional way to continue the harassment of MHG, no doubt with intent to cause her more mental anguish. Let’s don’t forget the concerns MB and MHG had about them (LK/RG) stalking the children - I am sure that weighs on MHG’s mind to this day.


A few random thoughts/questions from watching the trial:
I still don’t understand why the jury couldn’t hear what was in the 19,000 pages of SM posts. Isn’t that what started this whole thing?
Why didn’t the defense highlight the fact that she bugged the entire farm? That behavior alone sends up major red flags.
The way the judge was siding with the state and even interjecting when witnesses were speaking shows bias and should be the basis for a mistrial.
It made me sad to see that MHG has moved on with a new beau but then I saw that when the young JO testified, she said her mom was in a romantic relationship with MB. Did anyone else catch that?

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What makes you think someone (who??) has been paid off? Can you elaborate on this please.

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Being shot twice, scarred for life, and bashed on social media for 2.5 years and now we have vigilante social media screaming for consequences and he is a hero. Maybe he was. Now he is on trial for two counts of attempted murder plus gun charges.


@hut-ho78 What is your theory on why LK gave MHG’s address as her own address to the NJ DA?


It’s a known fact that LK’s dad is a wealthy prominent figure in NJ. Based on the judge’s biased against the defense, it begs to question that there is a relationship between her daddy and the judge.


Hut ho came to mind for me also.[quote=“Virginia_Horse_Mom, post:8380, topic:770941, full:true”]

Hut-ho ! I think you might be onto something :smirk:


Regarding the judge in the trial, early on I kind of thought the same thing. But I think a lot of the tension between Judge Taylor and Mr. Bilinkis is more about their past history of cases, including the Vertetis trial that was overturned on appeal based on improper jury instructions from Judge Taylor. I think Mr. Bilinkis early on was pushing what he knows are Judge Taylor’s buttons. It’s calmed down the last couple days. But early on, the defense attorney was clearly pushing the boundaries and did manage to sneak some stuff in that way.


If the jury is smart, which I pray they are, they’ll see things as they truly are…EVIL on behalf of LK & RG. As for JO, it was heart warming to see the smile on her face when she said her mom and MB were in a romantic relationship.


Isn’t it just as likely that it’s a mix up at the DA’s office? MHG was also a witness in Loxahatchee and maybe someone was careless.

I think too much credit is being given to Lauren’s cleverness.