Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I’m just noticing how often different people keep using the word “child.”

She’s 41. Maybe a better term would be “offspring.” Or something similar.


The thought crossed my mind that Daddy-O may be getting concerned about the amount of money he has gone through over the past many years, trying to help Daughter Dearest stay one step ahead of the law and also to try to prevent her from falling so deep into the drug culture that she commits serious criminal offenses like drug dealing, prostitution, and/or physical assault. He may have looked at seizing the farm as a nice way to recoup some of those funds, or at least to help stem the bleeding of $$$.

I also wonder if LK/RG have been manipulating him with lies about what a big, bad meanie MB is, so that he (JK) actually believed MB was the instigator and deserved to be tossed off the farm.


Listen to the testimony. No papers were ever filed.


No one said that.
And this kind of delusion that anyone has, feeds people like these two. Its like putting a bigger target on him, suggesting nonsense like that, imo.
Rhetoric really harms your argument.


No idea. Don’t know if she did. Could have been a clerical error when they were inputting data.


Which is normal.

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I see this a bit differently.
I’m grateful the judge has been tough, because no one can suggest this trial wasn’t thorough, if MB isn’t found guilty.


Lol. I hope he’s very happy now. He’s probably extra happy if he has been following this trial at all.

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Clerks get blamed for errors a lot. No chance LK did it on purpose?




Based on the trial, I would include MB as a victim too.


A clerical error is typing 56 for 65…


Hah hah!


I have ZERO doubt that weighs on her mind.

I come at SafeSport discussions from the perspective of a parent. Not the perspective of a horse pro. I’ve spoken up in favor of SafeSport on these forums because I want children to have more protections. I think that’s incredibly important. I’ve been unsympathetic to claims from horse industry pros that it is being weaponized to somehow destroy businesses, etc.

But SafeSport clearly was weaponized against MHG. Within a few days of the SafeSport complaint, DCPP showed up to do a welfare check on MHGs child. MHG is a single mom. None of us know the details of her custody situation. But geeeze… something like that could CERTAINLY have caused serious issues for her if there is any stress or contention in ongoing custody arrangements related to her kids.

I find that appalling.

Anyway… it’s been one thing after another for poor MHG with respect to LK for YEARS. And the harassment has reached out and targeted MHGs kids, as that is an effective way to stress any mother. And I think that’s awful, and just feel horrible for her.


I couldn’t agree more! I have done a lot of research, read her replies on the forum, and have watched the trial up to this point and I really tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. She kept saying in her replies “just wait until the trial” and “everything will come out in the trial”… well it all has come out and it isn’t in her favor (just my opinion). I think she is a scary person and there is no way I would take my chances at being at the same barn she is at.


A mix-up is transposing letters or numbers. An entirely different address is more likely to be a message. As for her cleverness or vindictiveness, well, we’ve seen what lengths she will go to.

Re-read the summation of her post to Girl_Joey in addition to what has been revealed on the stand. I bet it is very much the tip of the iceberg.


He may also be thinking about who manages her after he’s gone


Food for thought:
We’re taking the words of LK & RG as Bible regarding what happened during the shooting?..when no one’s hands were tested for gunshot residue other than MB?..WAKE UP!


I am so embarrassed to see I used “their” instead of “there”. I know better! I will blame my phone trying to override me.

I may have to shame some dice in its presence. :wink:


[quote=“Virginia_Horse_Mom, post:8336, topic:770941”]
She popped up on the “People Attempting to Undermine SafeSport” thread in the HJ forum several months ago. And then tried to monopolize the discussion in a weird way. I didn’t really get it at the time, because I had t participated in the Barisone threads. I knew she had issues, and knew that MB had been banned … but I had no idea she had been reported for bullying, or the extent of who and what was involved.[/quote]

I also thought it was weird she popped up on that thread. I remember thinking Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot?
When she talked about the corruption at the upper levels of USEF and dressage, I actually thought she was referring to the Debbie McDonald/Bob McDonald issue (i.e., the fact that USEF had kept Debbie as Dressage Technical Advisor despite her husband being an ALLEDGED sexual predator). [Edited to add ALLEDGED.]

It was somewhere back on this thread that someone mentioned that it had to do with Allison Brock, but I do not know in what connotation. I now wonder if it was an attempt to smear Brock’s reputation to undermine her credibility as a character witness for MB.

The way that girl’s mind works is just - diabolical.