Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28



I’m wondering this as well.


One wonders what he, or any of her family, knew about her SM harassment of several people.

Try again and use the entire post including where I said “no idea” first.

Don’t forget entitled.

After all, she is a wealthy White woman (41 years old) with a documented history of drug problems. But somehow she deserves not just the benefit of the doubt, but to be welcomed with open arms wherever she goes and whatever she chooses to do.


No, she is banned permanently


Yay. Good for him. Thanks for the information.

That 90 day filing is an interesting bit. Generally speaking, I always think of that as a sign of one of the parties suddenly looking around and thinking, “What have I gotten myself into here?” And then making the fastest possible exit, stage left.

The only reason I was wondering was because if a still-married person refers to another person as their fiancé, that is considered to be very bad form by Miss Manners. But I suppose that would be pretty far down the list in this case. Miss Manners would be swooning on her fainting couch long before that issue came up.


Child doesn’t just refer to physical age. It also refers to developmental age. Given her father’s involvement in managing her life, many consider her to be an “adult child.”

If she were independent, then she would simply be the adult daughter.


The judge is not biased at all, the judge is running the court based on the charges and trying to avoid appeals.


There is no doubt he was aware of her SM antics and excused her behavior with comments similar to her testimony - it’s just SM, everybody does it or you shouldn’t take her seriously. Someone said a thousand posts ago that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Nope, it actually simply rolled down the trunk.


How do you know that?
Why does the account say “suspended”?


A mix up on Lauren’s address to be that of MHG? A mix up on RG’s address to be that of MHG also? That’s quite a mix up. with Lauren’s history of avoiding being served, I am not surprised at all that she would give a false address. Choosing that one was just too delicious for her, I’m sure.


Except I think she scratched more than she attended, so maybe it’s been tried? Someone texting her a sheriff is hanging around looking for you?


YES!!! That’s exactly what it was in relation to!!! The SafeSport thread went active again after the McDonald case heated back up. And we were discussing it on the thread, because it was unknown for a few days if Debbie was going to continue on as the Technical Advisor. And some of us were making the argument that this would be an untenable situation for USEF, and undermine their credibility with respect to SafeSport issues.

And then LK popped up. And it was weird, and she made some statements supporting that notion… that USEF needs to maintain credibility on SafeSport issues. But then she went on these weird tangents about how the upper levels of the NGB were corrupted. But she was clearly fixated on USEF.

I honestly didn’t get WTF she was trying to say. I didn’t have all the background at the time. Looking back on it now though? Yeah… that was a COMPLETE attempt to smear AB. It’s obvious now.

It’s really nasty. Because there are legit serious issues with certain NGBs for other sports being outright corrupt, and ignoring child abusers. USA Gymnastics. But… USEFs challenges are different. And the bottom line is, LK didn’t and doesn’t care one bit about childhood sexual abuse in sports. She cared about the fact that she would likely be banned down the road because of her own ridiculous behavior. And she was trying to use that whole discussion to get out in front of that inevitable issue, and manipulate and shape opinions. And smear AB.




Clerks get blamed for errors a lot. No chance LK did it on purpose?


I do not know anyone involved in this mess. I am not Facebook friends with anyone involved. I am not an active instagram member. I am not on Twitter. My thoughts are my own. I am not scribing for anyone.

Please keep this on the trial.

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“Suspended” is this software platform’s equivalent to banning. We’ve removed access to our SM platform and community following sworn testimony in this case related to previous use of SM.


No idea. Don’t know if she did. Could have been a typing error.

Does that mean she can’t read the boards?

Except there are multiple, multiple instances of her not showing up at competitions where she was entered. Some folks seem to think it was probably because she was in a drug-induced stupor (which is entirely possible, given her past history), but I also wonder if it was because she was evading a suspected process server.