Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I do. I also think I asked how in the world she knew what medication(s) he was taking and why. I recall she said they were for his narcissism and I brought up that the only medication with which I am familiar for a Axis II diagnosis is lamotrigine/Lamictal (for BPD and not everyone can take it).

So I figured she was rummaging through his medicine cabinet or other private areas.


The rebuttal witness should have had some opportunity to interview the defendant. And if that report comes back similar to the defense experts, the prosecution is just not going to use that witness, although the’d still have to give the report to the defense.

And yes, experts are paid by the side they’re working for, which is why Mr B made sure he had both of his experts testify that they have been an expert for the state or the defense in the past.


Has IM testified yet? Or will he possibly be a rebuttal witness?


No way to know as we do not know, nor can we speculate upon, IM’s real-life identity.


If the state’s expert came to the same diagnostic conclusions about diagnosis, but just didn’t agree that MB couldn’t remember, is there much value to them testifying to that?

I mean, MB has always had the right to not testify…and the basis of the defense is that he was delusional, not that he couldn’t remember…


EDIT TO ADD a what I was responding to. (Still trying to get used to the logistics here)

“If the state’s expert came to the same diagnostic conclusions about diagnosis, but just didn’t agree that MB couldn’t remember, is there much value to them testifying to that?

I mean, MB has always had the right to not testify…and the basis of the defense is that he was delusional, not that he couldn’t remember…”

Personally, I wouldn’t think so. However, someone else might think that if they can prove he’s faking one thing (the amnesia) he’s probably faking the rest, which they could argue in closing statements.


I used to be much more judgmental about such things until I started to use voice to text. Which is a fantastic feature, but not always completely accurate. Lol.


IM’s still reading just now


I wouldn’t be surprised if IM is an alter.


Yeah, but dice shaming!


Nope. Just listening to testimony and legal stuff posted here.

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Arrrrgh - no, please do not get this thread shut down with that kind of speculation! Not even the same style of writing, anyway…


Hmm. Well, that might explain the frequent scratches. Instead of the other obvious possible reason, which could also be a factor.

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I just went to the thread and other than her normal diatribe against me she talked in circles until the mods asked that focus return to the topic.
I can now say my posts on that thread were a result of SS repeatedly refusing to act on 4 official complaints I had made against LK, with documentation, and my frustration at their reluctance to act on the reports. Once the shooting occurred I was told to “be patient” because optics were at play of going after a “victim”. What irony that her victims had been ignored by them.
Eventually I was told that my reports did not involve a minor and protecting minors was their newly defined focus. I believe a similar response was given to Girl Joey.

When I learned LK had involved SS I knew she would have had to throw something in her report regarding minor children. THAT was weaponizing SS. Imagine my surprise to hear during the trial that MB and MH had sent 720 pages documentation to SS in the days before the shooting. Will they act now or kick the files to USEF to handle LK?

One of LK and her father’s gripes about SS was their belief that one of the major donors to USEF was also a sponsor of Ali Brock’s Olympic endeavors, and since Ali was involved with SS and one of her sponsors was a big donor, there must be corruption!


Thanks for the explanation.

Also, good call.


Could IM be Mr Davison, the hay guy? :grin:

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Wow. Interesting info that leaves me shaking my head.

Team Kanarek’s “projections” are of such a level they are more like delusions. More head shaking on my part. :laughing:


:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m quoting myself just to say that I’m still almost that many posts behind, since people have kept adding still more posts in the meantime! Lol.


Wow. Thank you for this explanation. This makes me angry and ill. Especially after reading @MorganSercu ‘s posts. Which clearly show that LK either DID snoop around in MHG’s childrens’ bedrooms… or… she just pretended to have snooped around in their bedrooms.

I would have if someone was harassing me and involving my children in it in such a manner.

Hopefully SafeSport is better managed now. It seems like they have gone through multiple changes in the last few years, and modified processes, added investigative staff. Etc. But it’s crystal clear… they need to take a second look at all complaints involving LK (meaning complaints where she was accused of bullying/harassing/stalking).

Last thing… I figured no action was taken against her earlier because she was a victim of a shooting. But… being the victim of a shooting shouldn’t mean she can just continue this crazy behavior indefinitely.