Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Nope. Just horrified at the whole situation, reading, and watching testimony. Don’t know anyone involved.

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Did someone say that 48 hours was going to do a show about this case? If that is true, does anyone know when it is on?

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Generally speaking it takes months of arguing & editing then having lawyers vetting it before they are available.


Please do not attempt to dox anyone and get the thread shut down.


The extremely wide range of things you can learn on this BB never ceases to amaze me. Lol.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Ooo, good catch regarding 1.e, given her sworn testimony on the stand about dressage judges. That sounds like a completely valid charge for USEF.


Regarding all of these suspensions, etc. it’s really rather simple. There are drug tests for sports, most people think of the horses being drug tested, but the IOC also has requirements (followed by FEI and I believe USEF as well) for the human athletes. Obviously, Heroin would be a banned substance, I would bet money that Suboxone would be as well.

I don’t have time to research the specifics about this at the moment, but maybe someone else does. That would be far more concrete than going down the harassment route.


I’m new to this forum and I’ll be more than happy to give her my name to save her the time lol

I completely understand how my posts came across as an obsessed stalker of LK and her supporters followed her lead at bashing anyone who spoke out against her. I hope it can be understood exactly WHY I was compelled to continue pushing back her extremely exaggerated and fantasized posts about me and my family. Her goal is to always make the criticism go silent by threats or lies.


Didn’t the Rev. Buck also threaten to sue, or was he just in litigation with Dr. Cook?


Let’s not forget that for as much as we all enjoy the BB here, it is an offshoot of the website for a niche magazine in a very niche market.

So they are probably not in a hurry to get in legal tangles with anyone if they can possibly avoid it by erring on the side of caution in that regard.


Spawn? :wink:


I just queued up Youtube on my TV to watch today and it already shows 303 people waiting.

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Suboxone is a prescription medication?

I did not know that, but I managed to stay only vaguely aware of him anyway.

I think the mod can tell, and block if there are alters being used under the same IPs.


That is correct. But there are many prescription medications that are considered banned substances by the ioc, some you can get exemptions for, but that one would be a hard one to get by.


Sorry, great minds! Just catching up.

I am not saying it is or is not an alter, but even if it is, there are lots of ways around that whole IP address thing.