Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

It’s random and they will show up to your residence at any given time for a urine sample.


I have never in my life seen a human athlete tested at USEF horse shows.

Horses, yes, many, many, many times. Humans, no. Never, not once.

I believe that does happen at FEI competitions, although I don’t know the frequency of it. At USEF shows, I have never seen or heard of such a thing.


Feed is up. I wonder who we have today……

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It’s been a while since I’ve heard anything about good old Rev Buck. He was running for President of the USA at one point, and had legal action about his amazeballs Spirit Bridle being knocked off by Dr Cook. He and NP are the gifts that NEVER stop giving.


Sidebar: (which may have been mentioned before)

The horse is NJ’s state animal.


I’m assuming we’ll start the day with the continued assassination of standard (and perhaps controversial) psychological testing tools!

Who owns the MMPI? Hold on to your Sidebar drinks, we could be about to find out!


Oh - not to worry… I understand the gaslighting and manipulation and really really really systematic long term smear campaigns that some of these sorts of people resort to whenever things don’t go their way.

I knew she was up to something on that SS thread… I just wasn’t quite sure what it was.

I actually avoided the Barisone threads earlier because I figured it would suck me in. LK is her own thing, and people like her sort of trigger me. Just make me remember way too many unpleasant personal experiences with a few master gaslighters. Ugggh.

But… here I am now. Because it’s awful when you see it happening to other people. And what happened to MB is particularly extreme and tragic.

I totally understand the impulse to try and point out the “monster” so that others can see them clearly. But it’s important to be careful to not let the monster take up too much space in your head. :wink: It’s sort of what these people do. They try and take up space in other people’s heads.

Boundaries boundaries boundaries.


Thank goodness for this morning’s break. LK and RG’s unimaginable cruelty that was revealed yesterday haunted me all night.


I didn’t say they did. But she did admit under oath to taking a banned substance regularly and USEF follows WADA. She also mentioned at some point that she was going to show in a CDI.



There truly has been a small support team behind the scenes…guess it finally did become an MB Fan Club.


I’m late! It doesn’t look like I’ve missed anything though!

It only matters if you have the substance in your system while you are showing.

Makes you wonder just how many things LK has gotten away with.


I think it got mentioned in one of the FB posts that were posted….

Something about not striking out. I think 20 something might have been mentioned in connection with that section….

Yes, I think I pointed out last week that the horse on the insignia posted on the wall behind the judge is looking over the judge’s shoulder, keeping an eye on everything. Good boy.


Wasn’t Mr Davison wonderful? All of us need someone like him as a friend.

Think about it, 3 TOP Olympians to a truck driver and the entire gamut between giving such loving testimony for their friend!


That combination is really something. Basically a whole Olympic team, plus the guy who provided the hay for the horses. Props to all of them.

I will add that I just right now this second got caught up to all the posts from overnight and this morning. Just in time for the trial to start up again. Lol.

I will also say that the green slider thing that controls where you are in the thread is nowhere near sensitive enough when the thread has this many posts on it. If the trial does not wrap up today or tomorrow, I’m definitely starting a new thread!


Wondering if that’s a stack of research backing up every test…


Too many!!!

But MB’s mental state now is not the question. It is what his mental state was before, and most crucial ly, just before the shooting.
If I were on the jury, and based only on second-hand knowledge of testimony, I would struggle to accept insanity argument. He had the mental ability to react to the child welfare officer, get a gun, drive to the house and speak to LK and R G. The he shot them.
You can theorize all sorts of scenarios, but the jury has evidence and testimony ONLY of RG and LK and the lawyer on the phone to consider.