Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I was thinking that you were saying that he has been talking so long it is gone fides.


Hadn’t RC just arrived on that day? I’m not entirely sure, there’s been so much information I’m on overload! But if it was just that day, or rather night I believe, she may not have witnessed MB’s full blown decline yet.


“I got it on Kindle.” I loved that part!

A random legal question, not specific to this case.

When someone hires one of these expert witnesses with the five or ten page résumé, what would such a person charge for those services? Does it depend on whether they actually see the person to render a medical opinion?

Or whether they are a third-party witness, testifying just on the evidence presented in court? Just curious.

If he appears arrogant it may be a turnoff for the jury.


Yes and that’s exactly what he’s getting ready to do. I agree I’m sick of hearing him brag on and on and not just simply qualify him and get on with it…


If the jury is predominately men, I have to wonder how impressed they would be with him. He comes across as self-aggrandizing.


While memorizing articles / documents and combining them into a book that got very good reviews.


Dear Lord can we just say ok and shut him up???


I zoned out after we hit the 1990’s. Making mac’n’cheese became more interesting, so I walked away to do that. I came back and he was still talking about his books :joy:

I do want to her what he has to say about the case. Accolades, memberships, and awards do not impress me. They just make me look at someone harder.


From a very fast, non vetted googling:

" The median testimony hourly fee for medical expert witnesses is $500/hour . The median testimony hourly fee for non-medical expert witnesses is $275/hour. On average, expert witnesses who testify mostly for defendants command higher fees than expert witnesses who testify mostly for plaintiffs."

If you want to go down the rabbit hole, some EW folks can make over 7 figures a year.


Hmmm…all his books, and a quick search on Amazon, they don’t carry a single one. Some actually sound interesting


E-fricking-nuf already! He’s an expert! Move on!!


Please Mr. Bilinkas, just stipulate to his qualifications already!


This is ridiculous. Did this guy have any time to see patients?


I think the defense should have just stipulated that he is an expert…


They will usually charge either an hourly or daily fee for them to be there as well as cover any mileage/hotel/food. Most prosecuting attorney offices have witness or expert funds to pay people for them to come in and testify. They usually are just an expert in a single field and haven’t actually seen the defendant.

For example, in our county we have an expert we use a lot for “delayed disclosure” sexual assault cases. He comes and testifies at trial about how common it is for people to not disclose a sexual assault right away.


Completely agree. I have been outspoken on these forums supporting SafeSport, and doubting these claims from some people that it has been weaponized. But… if they let this case slide… and allow this obvious weaponizing to go unaddressed? I will adjust my opinions accordingly. And that will make me really sad. Because I believe the abuse of minor athletes is a VERY REAL, and VERY SERIOUS issue.

But I really don’t care for selective application of rules, codes, and laws. I don’t believe that when institutions choose to go down those roads, it ever serves a greater good. I believe that sort of thing undermines the credibility of the institution which chooses to only selectively investigate and pursue complaints.


They would charge a whole lot. Hundreds of dollars per hour. Paid by the hour for every minute of their time. No, it does not depend on actually seeing the person. But it would be foolish not to.

I lot has changed in the field since most of his accomplishments. We’ll see if he’s up-to-date on his thinking.


No, no, clearly he never sleeps.