Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28



Bilinkas looks like he can’t wait to cross examine


So the jury… have they been able to talk to one another and socialize in general?
“Hi my name’s X, what’s your name?”

How do deliberations start? Is there a flow chart, like,
-Introduce yourselves
-Take tentative vote

Or do they just file into the room and sort of figure it out as they go?

It’s a huge point that Simring saw him close to the time of the incident. Edit: While no one can truly diagnose him at the exact time of the incident, the closer to it, the more likely it is to correctly characterize the state of mind at the time it happened.


They are given transcripts and photo/video of the entire evidence submitted.

He looks so amused! Hahahaha

He’s not been the best on cross. I hope he shines today.

I’m rooting for MB to get the mental health he needs.


If I were on the jury I would be side-eyeing this testimony–before the break it smacked of trying way too hard with all these tangents and too much background/not relevant information. There had to be a more efficient way to complete this questioning and make their point. And now this expert raising his voice so much is not accomplishing what he thinks it is. The experts for the defense were pretty no-nonsense, calm, and pretty concise, and that comes across so much better. This guy just seems like he loves to hear himself speak in a theatrical way.

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They’ve probably spent the last week and half socializing. During breaks or long sidebars we were in a conference room. We usually talk about social stuff, our jobs, or hobbies. Sometimes I would read. We all knew each other pretty well after our week, I can’t imagine being on a jury for this long!



I am a visual learner, there is no way in heck I could ever follow this if I were on the jury. Even if I could take notes.


This guy just said a score doesn’t diagnose… But he’s only talking about scores. He hasn’t shared any level of connection to MB or his experience wrt this event. In other words, he’s being very hands off clinical…
Oh poo, he’s back to selling his books!
Does this guy known to renowned author, Nick Peronace? Did he write a forward in his book? headdesk


I agree, this witness has been effective rebutting Hasson, but not Simring

I think he has done quite well on cross examining. All he has to do is put doubt in the testimony, which he has done. With every side-bar called, he was able to slip info to the jury that they cannot unhear.


At least the prosecution is sticking with a theme: narcissism.


Legal experts, a questi on: Has there been research on how effective this type of expert witness in influencing juries? An expert witness on a scientific fact (blood, DNA, ballistics) would carry weight. But if I were a juror I would discount all of them as giving the opinions that the lawyer paying me wants.


I wish we could hear from Simring or Hasson on how the reality of MB’s life played into his delusions…

Since according to Handlebar the things MB were experiencing were real and as such couldn’t be delusions.

I want to hear Simring or Hasson rebut that.


Holy moly, that dog did attack him! And LK did think CPS would take the kids, and was totally disappointed they didn’t! Also, I am beginning to suspect there was a murder plot, and RCs gun did spoil it…


That totally depends on how well the expert presents him/herself. Psychology has been found to be a scientific discipline and therefore courts allow expert testimony pertaining to same.


Gah. Breaking my self-imposed no posting rule. Am I really the only one who has noticed that every time he’s mention LK, he’s called her “Lauren?” But everyone else, he uses their last name. Wonder how well he knows LK and JK.


So…let me get this straight: MB wasn’t delusional because these things really happened. His fear, and the others, was valid.