No kidding, especially if Jealoushe is right about the poster that was expected. Not Papapop rider after all.
Is he completely ignoring the head injury? That is a super valid reason to not remember what happened.
Or what he SHOULD have done or said.
On my case we could socialize some, but we were not allowed to talk about the case until deliberations started.
Well, he did say he didn’t think he would be able to add anything. And he’s right!
I don’t think Bilinkas can call anymore witnesses?
Cross will be fascinating
I’m starting to think @jealoushe might be on to something! The arrogance, the condescending answers …
So that’s why he could say he’s spoken with all attorneys!!
My thoughts too!
The difference between what MB is feeling vs everyone else is that the attacks were directly toward ruining him and those he loves. He was ultimately responsible in trying to resolve or fix this and no matter what he did, he got no help. The responsibility on his shoulders was way more that MHG or anyone else. So everyone was scared but MB was scared for his and MHG’s life, loss of all he worked for, involvement of MHG, children, plus added responsibility of figuring out how to make it stop. He was more stressed than anyone else involved so you can’t compare how these people reacted to this as to how MB reacted and processed it.
Well that version of the shooting was interesting. Wonder where he got that?
It feels gross that a mental health professional goes into an exam with a bias. Like “you’re for the prosecution, so make sure when you’re examining this guy you keep that in mind.”
I know, I know that “sometimes” they reach different conclusions, but meh.
Also, he doesn’t give complete versions of tests.
Great points!
I guess the point is that he still only didn’t remember the criminal acts. Like he remembers on that day very close to to the time of the shooting.
When I suffered a bad concussion for example I had memory loss including hours before and hours after
It’s an interesting thought, but he literally CANNOT BE THAT DUMB, can he?
It would be a colossally stupid move.
There were two ey ewitnesses and an “ear” witness. Because two of them are “bad” people doesn’t impeach their testimony. Yes, there were minor in inconsistencies in testimony, but nothing significant or extraordinary, especially given that LK was critically injured. There was no doubt, in court, cast on the lawyer’s testimony of what he heard. Even MB’s psychologist testified that MB took the gun there.
The way he speaks really just strikes me as super familiar!
This guy also was in this show
Never underestimate the power of CoTH
I guess if we start hearing about MB’s ex-wife on the farm with LK we might have confirmation……