Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

OMG. You’re right!


I don’t think they are dropping something Micheal is charged with, I believe what they are discussing is maybe what we would refer to as jury instructions in layperson terms.

" The purpose of a jury charge is to " educate the decision-maker so that it will make an informed decision, not to tell the decision-make what decision to make “. An instructing judge “must set out in plan and understandable terms the law that the jury must apply when assessing the facts”.” from google


I wonder what other MCPO case that this guy (prosecution witness) was involved with and why it was brought up)

I wonder if he just misspoke. Generally, at least in my experience, you spend a good bit of time before closing hammering out the jury instructions to get to the final version the judge gives the jury. I wonder if he was just in am awkward way referring to that. Of course, I could be wrong.

I do imagine Judge Taylor is going to be extremely careful in the jury instructions in light of the recent reversal.


I really want to believe that professionals charged with others’ emotional well being have better sense than to do as is being suggested here.

Isn’t it more likely that IM just made stuff up like his buddy LALA?


Probably to show handlebars makes a good living off MCPO.


I’m worried about a hung jury.

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There will be multiple jury instructions that the judge will read to the jury before deliberations. A lot of times this is called ‘charging the jury’. I don’t think this has anything to do with the charges that Michael has been charged. I’m in Michigan so I am only familiar with Michigan law but this would be what my guess is.


I can’t watch, can someone recap the most recent guy? Not Mr moustache…

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Not when they are testifying, or releasing information, with the express permission of the client.

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I put the trial on my cell phone so I could listen as I drove home, and it was apparently shortly after this guy finished his CV, and started tearing apart the conclusions of the defense psych testimony.
I have to say I found him really obnoxious in his attitude of “well this is ridiculous”, “nobody uses that!” “I don’t believe that, and besides, I’m friends with someone who wrote a chapter about this!”


That makes more sense.

Didn’t he also testify that MB felt a shock go through his body and then he took the gun and went there. That really suggests a psychotic state.


How about an online bb?

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Same. If it’s hung he will have to continue to sit in jail until they retry the case (if they retry but I would suspect they would). Unless the judge will entertain a bond hearing and decide to send a bond amount for Michael, which wouldn’t be completely unheard of…


I don’t know. If there is a hung jury… do you really think the prosecution will bring the case a second time?

I SERIOUSLY doubt it. Especially given that LK and RG tried to skip out on testifying, and both were less than candid on the stand.


Oh I doubt she did all the research and came up with the idea all by herself.

Why do you suspect they would try it again?

Just curious.


I don’t think they would retry it. I think they’d work really hard to make it go away. They barely got LK and RG to court this time. I can’t see them cooperating again. And, their testimony was less than stellar. I just can’t see the state of NJ wanting to go down that road again.


I think they would retry it. I’ve seen courts retry everything from simple misdemeanors to murder cases. A lot of times the prosecution will ask the victims if they want to retry the case and 90% of the time they do. If they choose not to retry it then the person goes free. I can’t imagine LK not throwing a fit if they just let him go.