Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I am so confused. The murder plot involved the hay guy? Did LK ever bring that up in her testimony? That was a huge theme of her narrative about being bullied and threatened, that she actually heard her murder being plotted.

Were there any of the bombshells promised? The ones we were told we would have to wait until trial to be reveled? I have been unable to watch the trial start to finish and it was too difficult to follow when I would drop in on the testimony.

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Small nitpick, I think Handlebars is a psychologist, not a psychiatrist, but either way he’s bound by confidentiality as far as his sessions with MB … although I suppose since LK, RG, MHG and all aren’t his clients he can say what he wants about them …

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I couldn’t listen to that guy. Handlebar
Hes just like my know-it-all ex, a narcissistic idiot with just enough education to think he knows it all but doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. This one apparently ignorant of industry cautions. He learned all about all these cool tests but didn’t let himself be educated about pitfalls and subtle troubleshooting with scoring and doesn’t read about industry updates. He’s the mountain guide who’s going to take you down the trail to the bottom of the grand canyon on super impressive thoroughbred horses when everyone else uses mules for a good reason.


Just based on how narcissistic and arrogant LK is. She wants to ‘win’ and will do whatever she can to win. I didn’t know the bit about her and RG trying to skip out on testifying though. That part does make me wonder.


Are you aware of what happened in Palm Beach County with her and RG?

NJ had to drag them to court to testify. There is a misdemeanor charge against them right now! LK literally was trying to refuse to testify as a key witness in this prosecution as of late March!


No, he’s not bound to confidentiality. He was examining him specifically as an expert witness for this trial so therefore confidentiality was waived.


@OneBellBoot, did you get to see the testimony of the State’s witness? What was your impression of him?

I did not know that LK and RG tried to get out of testifying which is so weird to me. I’ve looked at her past posts about how gung-ho she was about “everything coming out at trial” she just came across as someone who really wanted her day in court!

If LK doesn’t want him retried I HIGHLY doubt they will do so. A lot of the decision falls on the victim and if they want to go through with it again.


And both of them are in turn knock offs of the Be Nice Halter.


They chat at the urinals?!?!

I was on the bus listening on my headphones. I said very loudly “AT YOUR HOUSE?!?” when he said that he had all the binders of social media posts at his house. I’m pretty sure that violates confidentiality. I’d be in hot water if I had client material outside of the clinic.


I had NO idea!!! Yes that definitely changes things!!


“He’s the mountain guide who’s going to take you down the trail to the bottom of the grand canyon on super impressive thoroughbred horses when everyone else uses mules for a good reason.”

Love this statement


In the courtroom, he can testify to details about his interactions with MB that would otherwise be protected by patient confidentiality. He can’t post about them on social media, though, whereas confidentiality doesn’t prevent him from gossiping about LK, MHG etc.

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Do you have any professional opinions regarding the ethics (or lack thereof) if he really was participating on these forums, and reading all the commentary for the last 2 years prior to testifying in this trial?

Personally… I find that a completely BIZARRE choice for a supposed professional and expert witness to make.


Probably they are"charging the jury" ie giving them their instructions on how to proceed and consider evidence.


Yes! You’ve never seen The Judge? Excellent movie, great courtroom murder and similar to this question. Worth watching. But some great urinal conversation

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They fully expected Michael would take the plea deal allowing them to move on to their next target. There was an immediate change in tone once he decided to go for broke and the scramble began to form a plan to prosecute. I’m sure the Kanarek family didn’t want a trial with the two of them testifying.

48 Hours will be interesting.


Also, an aside… a quick IMDB search demonstrates that he is used to giving the most entertaining and emphatic account of things.

While he may have a LONG CV… I’m not sure if it’s the most sturdy scientifically. He is an opinion man. He is paid to give an entertaining account of his opinion.

I’m guessing he’s already made a call to 48hrs.


Psychologist, diagnose thy self!