Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

If there’s a hung jury, and the state decides to try again, is it the same judge and lawyers?

Is 48 hours a done deal, or can that be thwarted?

Is anyone else feeling slightly unclean at the idea that IM was possibly the state’s expert?

I remember LK saying she didn’t know who IM was, but someone was funneling them accurate info. There were also the criticisms that he didn’t know anything unique, just rehashes of other info.


Oooh. Maybe Handlebar was IM!


Yes. So others looked it up and talked about it last night. I’m goi g to try and go back into the PB County public records to get it right. Because IANAL, and I will describe technical details wrong…

But as of late March, the court in NJ had to ask FL for assistance ensuring LK and RG were going to show up to testify. They were going to be held in contempt of court. So, there was a hearing in Palm Beach where they were required to show cause as to why they shouldn’t have to go to NJ and testify for the prosecution as witnesses in the MB attempted murder trial. They had an attorney there to represent them.

You clearly are more educated on the law than I. You should look it up. It’s SUPER bizarre.


I’m gonna watch The Judge again. Too many paralells

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You forgot to mention, they didn’t show up for it, and gave their service addresses as Mary Hadkin Gray’s house in Loxahatchee.


It’s an uncomfortable feeling, for sure, and as much as I disliked the State’s expert, I can’t believe he’d have a big enough ego to post on a BB prior to a trial.

But then I also didnt expect LK to try to avoid testifying or give out MHG’s address as her own.


Where’s the fruitbat? After all the posturing and all caps tirades and private messenger threats they had to be compelled by a court to tell their side of the story?


Does that mean we have to go through this again!?

Yes! I didn’t want to try and explain the details and get it wrong.

And seriously… they clearly were the ones who gave out MHGs address. That was not a random clerical mistake. Not when it applied to both of them.


A lightning bolt, I thought. Yes, a form of physical manifestation


LK is permanently banned.

Just a continuation of the calculated systematic terror LK & RG like to employ.

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Can someone give a brief summary of the afternoon? Is it going on still tomorrow?

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If they 'retried the case.
If LK and RG testified again
If their testimony changed dramatically from this trial…? What tnen?

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So, uh, I’m watching the opening statements for the first time today. I’ve watched (almost) everything else in realtime, but finally going back to watch the opening statements. Just started Bilinkas’ opening statement.

I hope that he can pull this together for us. He’s a pretty good orator.


He totally reminded me of an old cartoon where the tiger is sitting back with an emery board, sharpening its nails as it is getting ready to pounce.



He can be asked in court what he relied upon to form his opinion, and should indicate that in his report as well. He should rely upon the information in evidence, including his own examination of the defendant. If he relies on posts on a bulletin board that were not given to him in discovery, that needs to be revealed in his report/testimony. Then those could be entered into evidence, if not already there. Reading things on a BB about a case he’s working on would not necessarily be unethical, IF he revealed that those things were part of his evaluation. Maybe the posts on the BB were already in the thousands of SM posts he read? I think participating in the discussions when he was already retained is unethical, because it would be a way to try and influence the case or get information in a coercive, false way. However, expert witnesses do not work for free, and I doubt if he would spend hours on a BB and not get paid for it. The defense can ask for his billing statements as well, so if he billed for it they could find out.


If they 'retried the case.
If LK and RG testified again
If their testimony changed dramatically from this trial…? What tnen?

Wait, who brought this up?
I missed this

His facial expression was reflective of that image as well.