Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Yes indeed.

One can only guess as to why… but a thinking person might deduce that LK and RG were nervous about testifying in detail to all the actual events… because their testimony in court would need to concur with prior statements they have made under oath about all the events.

And when these two start talking, they inevitably start lying.

It must be so challenging for them to keep all their stories and details straight. It must be so stressful to worry about someone, somewhere, at some point getting fed up with it, and holding them accountable for not giving straight stories while testifying under oath.


Did she accuse him of “kiddy diddling” or was that just a COTH pry theory? Didn’t the child protection person say there was no allegation of sexual abuse and that there were no allegations against MB? I thought she testified she was there to investigate MHG for “neglect.”


Who what is handlebar?

Fixed it for you…


To me, the state’s last witness showed the bias of the judge most clearly. They spent the entire trial, and slapping the defense’s hands over going into the text of the SM, keeping out a lot of what the judge just let the prosecution’ witness ramble and pontificate on.

One has to ask why he was allowed to do so when no one else was…and it looks like that reason is because the prosecution called him.


Well, that would suck. I am pretty sure they can’t use any trial testimony to impeach them, but they still have plenty of other interviews. And honestly if their testimony went way far out of the realm of even close to this one, I’m sure the defense attorney would think of something. And the Judge isn’t going to forget, either. It would be a cluster, which is why I just don’t see the state going there.


We have no way of knowing whether they gave MHG’s address as their own, or whether a clerk simply made an error and write the wrong address in the paperwork.


Wouldn’t that actually strengthen the case of self-defense for MB?

If all these rational people were in fear for their lives from LK and RG, and according to the prosecution’s expert witness, those were legitimate fears? How is that not helping the defense’s claim of self-defense as a motivating factor?


On COTH she specifically referenced teaching MHG’s kid to untie bikini tops as a way to prove he wasn’t gay.

Has a whole new meaning in consideration of the GM comments in court…


Interesting. Thank you so much for clearly explaining where ethical lines are.

I absolutely agree… it would be BIZARRE and VERY FAR FETCHED to think that an expert witness in a criminal trial like this would spend time on a small, niche, Internet forum, reading posts, chatting with other people, in some sort of effort to get information.

However… it sure seems like that might have happened.

I find it highly implausible the prosecution would have paid for this guy to spend multiple hours doing this. Is it possible an interested third party could pay his hourly fee to fund this activity? The only other conclusion is that he got curious about the case and related discussions… and started participating for his own amusement.


Didn’t Handlebars start seeing MB in 2021, and IM started posting in 2020?

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They’ve spent one heck of a lot on $$ so far interviewing and filming, so I doubt they will cancel.

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Yes, it did to me.
I stopped the feed and wrote a transcript.
It basically validated MBs fears and made the Defense case by offering those quotes from the police interviews.


Did any of you recall how Simring mentioned that (paraphrasing) “no, he didn’t read all the 19k pages of SM posts… he could have and gotten paid for it… but he chose not to because a clear pattern had emerged.”

Yet Handlebars said yes, he read them all, every single one.


I feel so very bad for Michael. It was painful to watch him while Stache-Mouthpiece spoke. It would be very hard to imagine that he was feigning his symptoms. Hard to reconcile that person with the video of him and Colbert.
Also, MB’s words right after the incident can hardly be taken to mean specific things, he had a head injury and had gone through a traumatic event.
Glad that defense brought up the head injury piece.
I also thought that in many ways when Stache Mouthpiece went on about other people were afraid of LK and RG it actually supports MB.


The problem is, though, is that self defense in NJ has some duties, to retreat, etc, etc, which it doesn’t look like MB did.


An IM said he knew EVERYTHING there was to know about this case…


I’ll bet they’d love to see IMs posts, especially if the language use is distinctive… From say a book?


But IM also said he didn’t think he’d be called, etc etc.

Clearly Handlebars knew he’d be called, and was prepared.

Red herring on the part of IM?


Not to mention all the witness testimony about MB’s previous mental health struggles, which would have made him much more susceptible than others who did not have a similar history.

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