Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

All “thousands” :roll_eyes:

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I think there’s some wiggle room there. For a skilled lawyer, with the right set of facts.

OR…if LK & RG can even remember the lies they told during this trial! Here’s the funny thing…the Psychologist that testified today for the Prosecution said that Michael told him when he got to the house on the day of the shooting, he told RG to go get LK…when if FACT, LK testified that SHE went upstairs to get RG and they both came outside together…so here is yet another lie! I pray to God that the jury is picking up on this stuff!



Didn’t that guy sound like he wants to write a best seller on this case? There would be his unpaid motive to engage us all…


Bilinkas hasn’t the facts, though, and hasn’t presented that MB fulfilled the duties required by NJ.

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I TOTALLY noticed this!!! And I wanted to scream at Bilinkas “Ask him how long it took! Ask him if he read the posts about girl Joey! Push on this!!! Handlebars is BOLD FACED LYING!!!”

But maybe Handlebars wasn’t lying?

But how the F could anyone read all of LKs vile social media, and describe her as “bright and creative?”

Answer… someone who has also been paid by the Kanarek family might describe their darling little girl as “bright and creative” after reading all her posts, including the vile posts targeting a grieving mother for sadistic emotional abuse.


Yowser. I posed this question earlier today (post 8485):

Has IM testified yet? Or will he possibly be a rebuttal witness?

I had a sneaking suspicion that he would turn up as the rebuttal witness. And also that all his postings here were for the purpose of trying to glean information - i.e., to find out who knew what.

And what a swarmy guy - to spend all that time reading COTH posts, make tons of his own postings, etc. - and be billing the state for it. I certainly hope 48 hours includes that little factoid in their coverage.


Except why would a clerk put down the wrong address, for two different people, when MHG wasn’t the one being ordered to show up to tesitfy - OR ELSE.

NJ/Morris County sought them and used the address they were provided by LK & RG.


Someone who’s as f’ed up as she is?

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“the psychology a bulletin board.”
Forwards by LK, and The Maestro


Particularly since it was so different from all the other versions we’ve heard on the witness stand. MB sent RG to go get LK??


He’s already written so many, what’s one more?


Well… MB didn’t turn down the plea deal until 2/28/22. Correct?

When did IM say that he didn’t think he would be called?

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Didn’t he write one book where he just compiled sources/documents by another author? “I didn’t write it, I just put it together.”

But I suspect in this case it’ll be both combining (maybe from binders in his living room) and opining, which he clearly loves to do.


I concur with this. I know there was an excellent summary on this thread of why/how insanity and self defense go together. But I’m still confused.

The jury has a very big job ahead of them. I feel like there are 4 versions of what actually happened. Lauren’s, Rob’s, Ear witness and handlebars


Days before the trial. But he did outright say that he was subpoenaed.


That is crazy!! I definitely did not know that piece of information, thank you for enlightening me!

And the defense’s side, which is essentially, details of what actually happened at the farmhouse are irrelevant because MB was in the midst of a psychotic break/delusions and truly believed he was in fear of his life and had no concept of right/wrong. So if he got bit by the dog, or tackled first, etc., the end result is the same… MB was insane and in his reality he was defending himself, his girlfriend, her children, and his livelihood.


I’ll bet a bunch of money LK will now decline doing 48 Hours.


MAYBE or maybe she’ll get to tell her story without the pesky detail of “under oath.”