I figured it was a clerical error. Have done it myself a few times.
Thank you!!!
Thank you
Can anyone clarify if cross started today at all? Or finished? I wasn’t able to watch at all today.
If they let Dr. H into the gallery, he will most likely be able to point the defense to good areas of attack when cross begins.
They finished all testimony today.
You mean they subpoenaed George Morris to court from MHG’s address? That’s a hoot. MHG didn’t show up to the hearing either, these people might not have been in town getting their mail. Odd. If MHG had been in town and gotten the mail, she could have gone to the olympic games and handed out the envelopes, yuk yuk yuk
Oh how I wish Dr H could have been in this chat during the Handlebar testimony, would have been awesome lol
Gotcha, thanks! Good catch!
Okay, I wonder this. What if NJ sent out the requests for subpoenas to Palm Beach County for all these people, but didnt’ have their addresses there, and the only one they had an address for in PBC was MHG, and just put that address down for everyone to say they did it, not having any of the PBC addresses for these individuals. Then they could say, eh, we tried. I was a paralegal in my younger years, and I won’t say something like that was never done (I hate shoddy detail, and wouldn’t do that, but I’ve seen stuff like that done). It could happen.
I’m still a bit behind on posts, so somebody may have already done this.
But briefly, they called back Dr. Hasson to address the testimony of the mustache guy. Particularly regarding the psychological tests that were used on MB by both Hasson and the mustache guy.
Needless to say, Hasson thought his own testing methods were perfectly valid, and he referred to a couple of the statements about the tests from the mustache guy as “a joke.” Direct quote.
Yes, and that’s exactly what happened. They called him for cross, and he was able to refute the basis for Pornstache’s testing results. It was fast, dirty, and brilliant.
Not caught up so not sure anyone has asked/answered yet. What chats and boards, if you don’t mind me asking?
Does the DA work directly for LK?
I can imagine this prosecutor would be extremely happy to never see her again.
Ok. I think this whole trial has broken my brain.
So apparently it’s official - IM and Handlebars are not the same person. And LK and RG didn’t attempt to skip out on testifying. And all of the potential prosecution witnesses paperwork was sent to poor MHGs house in Florida?
What a mess.
For whatever reason, I suspect that somewhere, LK is laughing right now. Frankly, that bothers me.
The DA works for the State.
When I was on a jury we could talk, just NOTHING about the trial. I knew towns people lived in, names, occupations, weather, etc
When the deliberations started we chatted. People forgot certain things or tried to remember witnesses etc. Our cell phones were taken away too I should add. Then, with MY group, when we made a decision, we went around the roon to make sure everyone agreed. As it was, when we gave the verdict, the one cousel asked for each of us to say the verdict going down the line.
He took the gun but I still think he, MB, could easily have been attacked first…hit of the head and the gun went off. Someone said this has been discussed but I have not seen or heard that.
The last laugh has yet to be laughed. Patience Grasshopper.

I am so confused. The murder plot involved the hay guy? Did LK ever bring that up in her testimony? That was a huge theme of her narrative about being bullied and threatened, that she actually heard her murder being plotted.
I believe LK claimed that there was a murder plot against her when someone showed up on the property at night in a strange vehicle.
In reality, that turned out to be the hay guy, who was hired by MB to sit in his car in the driveway overnight outside the barn that last week to make sure nobody unauthorized entered the barn at night.
and one more thing. In regard to his knowledge and “feel” for testing. I would believe the guy who spends his work days doing these tests and seeing patients. I would be hesitant to believe a person who is all over God’s green earth, serving on committees, teaching, writing books, starting programs and getting to know “very well” every famous psychologist in the USA. Just sayin…his CV was was, to me, indicative of a person who could not possibly spend enough time on one thing to know more that someone who deals with that subject for years.