Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I found that particularly despicable. I imagine male jurors might have shuddered at it.


I got the same feeling.

Did you also catch how much more time Hasson spent evaluating and testing Michael than Handlebars did? And Hasson said that Handlebars gave abbreviated versions of the tests?

Hasson strikes me as someone deeply into accuracy and validity of the tests and making sure that each individual test is corroborated by another and/or clinical findings.

Handlebars struck me as a blowhard who likes to lecture.


Thankfully I missed it. It makes me shudder to think what MB must have felt when that was spoken aloud.


I can’t find anything for MHG other than a traffic violation in Palm Beach County? I searched under H & G just in case the last names were transposed. Where did you find that info ?
ETA change speeding to traffic violation for accuracy


Wait, so GM was subpoenaed for this case… and then didn’t testify…


I cringed when I heard that; it was so cruel. He could have used another example. It was inexcusable and says a lot about him as a person.


Great, now all the people sitting around you on the bus think you’re the crazy one! Lol.


What was the context under which he mentioned it?

But he couldn’t remember how many binders. He started stammering but he read every single one. Ummm yeah ok. Mr. I see every detail failed that quiz


Out of state subpoenae procedures.

For as much as Mr Moustache talked about how wrong Hasson was, and how he hated to sound disrespectful or whatever, it’s interesting to me that he didn’t testify at all about Dr Simring’s faulty methods. In fact, he barely talked about Dr S at all other than to make sure everyone knew he knew him. Why this is interesting to me is: Dr S and Mr H came up with the same diagnosis. So, if you’re going to pick apart one expert, I’m still left with the other expert, who said the same thing, and no one has told me why I shouldn’t believe him.

I’ve rewatched a few bits. All 3 really did say a lot of the same things about Michael. It just came down to a matter of interpreting results of tests. 2 out of 3 agreed, when you boil it down like that.


I could swear I answered this yesterday. Twice.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Would y’all please stop trying to dox people and get this shut down. Besides, reading posts, when the poster y’all mention said he was subpoenaed, he said something about he had no idea what he could add to the trial. From what people post about today’s expert, does anyone think he would invalidate himself?

Too many emotions for a lot of people to use their noggin. I get it. It’s horrifying.


Who is ultimately to blame for this tragedy? LK alone could not have caused all this trouble without the monetary and legal support of her father. If LK is a drug addict with all that goes along with this, she cannot be controlled and what legal action can you really take against her? The fact that her father aided her in her pursuit to take MK down, he should bear the burden of responsibility of enabling his daughter. The actions she took are not what any reasonable person would do, a reasonable person would have left early on. The fact that she continued in her pursuit to destroy MB with her father’s help, to me would mean filing a civil suit against JK. Somehow MB needs to be made whole again and someone needs to stop LK by stopping the monetary support she gets by filing the civil suit for loss of income and damages. I really hope MB is found not guilty and all the discovery of SM, texts, videos, can be used in a lawsuit. It is a tragedy that this man was brought to his knees in this manner and someone needs to account for it.


I missed where you explained that there are new procedures and no one was trying to avoid testifying. My apologies.

The shooter.


Palm Beach County court records website.

For the search, I just put Haskins Gray in the last name box, and Mary in the first name box.

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Yes, it was as though he was actually trying to hurt MB or provoke reaction. He’s the kind of smarmy jerk most people run from.


Neither could I. Couldn’t find anything for JH either.