Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

It’s gotten to be a blur by this point.

But briefly…

The prosecutor continued to cross examine Dr. Hasson, who was the psychologist who testified Wednesday afternoon.

When they finished that, the prosecutor called his own expert witness, another psychologist who seems to have arrived by consensus at either the name Mr. Mustache or Handlebars here on the BB. Or maybe Dr. Mustache, if you really wanted to be correct about it.

Mr. Mustache spent, no joke, probably 20 minutes running down his résumé after he sat down. It might have been even more than that. I did not actually time it, and eventually I fast forwarded over some of it. But seriously, he talked for an unbelievably long time about his own qualifications, which he seemed to think were very impressive.

Eventually, long after everyone’s eyes glazed over, the prosecutor finally started asking him questions. His goal seemed to be to discredit the opinions and findings of the two defense expert witnesses, of course, and then explain why MB did not fit the definition of legally insane, although I’m sure there’s a more complicated way to say that.

Interestingly, one of his points was that because everybody else on the farm was also very afraid of LK and RG, that meant MB was not insane to think the same thing. Which sounded to me a lot like even more evidence of a legit case of self-defense for MB.

When Mr. Mustache was finally finished, the defense attorney called Dr. Hasson back to rebut the rebuttal witness, although again I’m sure there’s a better way to say that. Dr. Hasson said that his own testing methods were perfectly valid, no matter what Mr. Mustache said about it. And he said that some of Mr. Mustache’s statements about the test methods were “a joke.”

Those were the last witnesses, so unfortunately it looks like we will not get to see enough Olympians in the courtroom to comprise a full team.

The jury is off tomorrow while the judge and the lawyers discuss all the legal details, so I would imagine there will also be no live stream of that event.

Monday morning at 9:00 AM they will start the summations, etc, and after that, the case will go to the jury.


I never said anyone was or was not avoiding testifying.

My comment was in reference to the irony of one state asking for the help of another state in order to compel court appearance.

The irony part is because when LK threatened to sue me as I was not in NJ an application to my home state would have to be made except that usually isn’t done in civil trials but rather mostly just criminal trials.

I don’t know where the idea came up that LK and RG were NOT compelled to go to NJ. To me they most certainly were as these cases are NOT ROUTINELY FILED.

There is a criminal filing of contempt. They don’t do that for practice.

I worked criminal court never saw one.
I’ve worked civil court 14 years and never saw one. But I know they exist from Family Court where we’d get one in once or twice a year.


If they decide to try him again, would it be in front of the same judge?

Even if it were either party can motion for the judge to recuse himself or that a different judge be chosen.


Agree totally. Anytime someone says, “I don’t mean to…” means they actually
DO mean whatever. And he said it more than once.

I think he was told what points to focus on based on Hassan’s and Simring’s report and tried to blow smoke and doubt with a bunch of screeching words and numbers, coupled with a healthy doze of ego.

Taylor was too busy organizing his papers to pay attention and control him.


Hmm. Makes you wonder if there was some sort of family connection behind the scenes which resulted in someone first posting on the BB and then eventually ending up as the state’s expert witness.

We don’t see eye to eye! And the shooter has not definitively been identified because the police did not do fingerprinting or dna testing.


A college friend of mine used to play it – beautiful piece! Do you still play flute?

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I don’t think I’ve ever actually watched that show. Do they typically do interviews with multiple people before the trial and then again afterwards? What if people decide they don’t want to be interviewed afterwards if they are unhappy with how things turned out?

Most likely.

You’re taking IM’s word for anything?!?

Mods determined that IM isn’t Handlebars… so that theory is dead.


I really hope you know something we (i) don’t. I really do.


Then they don’t give an interview. 48 Hours is very much like 20/20 only on NBC. They won’t be bound by court rules. I can imagine they were as shocked at the two witnesses under oath as we were!


I don’t have any surprise knowledge, but if Bilinkas can give the kind of summation he has been known for all his career, we’ve got a great chance. They are allowed a bit more leeway during opening and closing, so he will weave a compelling story, I hope!


I loved his expression when they came back from the break. He had that sort of smile that said yes…keep digging that hole not STFU which is what I was saying.


I sure hope so too!

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I don’t believe they’re sequestered. The judge pretty much told them to go home and have a nice weekend.


and he called Lauren bright and creative …WTF that is a man who is earning his pay not really being truthful. I was stressed out by her posts and they had nothing to do with me.


Yes, I know. I should have included a :roll_eyes:.

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