Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

So…does that state expert witness qualify as the bombshell?

Right in line with insulting MB’s appearance, though.


Jurors are not given transcripts. In fact it is actively avoided by most judges and the transcript isn’t even available at the time they start deliberating.

It is very very rare that even a transcript of a specific testimony is sent to the jury room.


Was anyone else surprised to hear that RG was searching the internet for info on MHG’s kids?..or did I miss that in testimony somewhere?
The judge silenced the doctor immediately…why? Here’s the clip from today…


I’m still catching up. I can’t believe he was ragging on Michael’s appearance. So disgusting to talk about someone’s appearance like that in any circumstance.


I have not watched 48 hours in a very long time. Do they do re-enactments?

One of the witnesses was very soft spoken and the judge was made aware that some jurors could not hear clearly. He asked if the jurors wanted him brought back in to repeat his last few sentences. I believe he said that it was all recorded and the jurors would be able to have it replayed if they wanted, and they decided not to have the witness brought back.

Does that mean that they will be able to request that any of the testimony be replayed for them?

Also do they have a time limit for deciding once they are sent off to deliberate?

The jury can request that testimony be played back (or read back). The request generally has to be pretty specific for the judge to approve the request as it takes time on the part of the court reporter as well as increases deliberation time.

The way this goes in my state is the three options are:

  1. Judge denies the request
  2. Judge approves the request but asks the jury to be more specific as to exactly which item they would like to hear again
  3. Judge approves the request but tells the jury to go back and keep deliberating while the testimony is found on the recording and either transcribed or prepared for playback.

When I say specific, I have seen this be only a minute or two of testimony. If the jury asked to hear, for example, the entirety of someone’s testimony they would be told to rely on their collective recollection and it would be denied.


Cracks me up to see the use of “Forward” by posters in this thread… thanks NP for a lighthearted moment during all this!


The State’s expert reminded me of all the dismissive doctors who downplay mental health concerns. Deny it and the problem doesn’t exist.


If you play from that clip forward, when the judge tells the jury to disregard the statement (for the second time apparently) he says at 8:35 “No evidence supporting that”.

By which I assume he means that nothing has officially been entered into evidence. I’m guessing that it’s in the pile of things like all the social media posts that were not allowed to be entered into evidence, so it can’t be specifically mentioned or considered.


Exactly, and I would gander that the Kanarek Clan is definitely not celebrating yet. I don’t know these people, but can only imagine that they’re pissed. Pissed that LK & RG came off as such petulant oddities who were snarled in so many lies and fabrications that they could hardly speak. The truth is funny that way … it tends to roll off the tongue rather than get stuck.
I believe they were NOT banking on a trial, and if they were, I think LK went on the stand convinced that she could say whatever she wanted and MB was still going down. Didn’t end up that way, did it? I think Bilinkas did a great job, and I’m REALLY looking forward to his closing arguments. I predict he’s going to wrap it all up in a tidy package and his client’s going to be found “Not Guilty” - for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which will be the absolute disassociation the ‘victims’ have with the straightforward truth.
They’d have to ask themselves … would they put THEIR lives or the lives of someone THEY loved in the hands of LK & RG’s honesty?
Fat chance.
Also, want to add that I don’t feel ONE BIT of pity for JK. He created and fed this beast and I think she’s a “chip off the old block”.


Yes. Whenever anyone says, “No offense, but…” there are obviously about to say something offensive.



I wonder if we can do some sort of letter writing campaign to ask them to put the episode out sooner rather than later. Lol.


That and the comment about MB’s looks told us everything we needed to know about that man. They should put his photo next to “Passive Aggressive” in the Psychology books.


I’m glad you guys caught it. I was debating…

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Yes. Very offensive. Especially the way he phrased it.


He blew up when rebuttal witness totally annihilated him.


I’ve always had the impression they deliberate until they either reach a decision or tell the judge they cannot agree on a verdict. But maybe one of the people with actual legal knowledge will chime in here.


On cross exam of LK, Mr B asked her about googling it and she said Justin stole her phone and did the Google search.

Edit: never mind, that was about googling CPS. I read the question wrong….sorry…