Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I’m sorry. Its probably really rude to call that guy Handlebars. There are probably other better names for him. Pornstache comes to mind. Yeah.


I agree it is very unlikely the witness is the poster people are speculating he is.

I mean that would be too bizarre to be real.


How the hell did Stache-Mouthpiece/Handlebar have the time to read everything?? That’s crazy. Creative and bright??? Someone should have asked for examples of this characterization.


I didn’t mean to discredit it, just to suggest that he has experience compiling documents/sources that he himself did not author.


They can’t open the mail if it comes to MHG’s house.


48Hrs will still report regardless of outcome. They always follow cases and update. Even years and years later.


I’m thinking the chess game posts were something he thought of as creative, because he mentioned it… and how Michael thought it was referring to him/MHG…

LK admitted that IT WAS about MB, MHG, etc.


That was the epiphany moment for me. And the kindness comment. It’s been made before.

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The issue is not whether they are good or bad people. The issue is that they demonstrated and even admitted to a tendency to lie a lot whenever it was convenient for them.

That suggests a huge issue with the credibility of anything they say.


And following the case numbers, GM has one as well! Apparently one of the witnesses not called.

I think it’s just referencing it is in Misdemeanor court, and maybe it doesn’t close until they actually show up, or get paperwork from NJ confirming they showed or weren’t needed? I have no legal knowledge.

Where did you see that?

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I feel like Simring reading some of these threads. I see certain posters and I know it will be more of the same, and I scroll on by! Hahahah


Remember he was the rebuttal witness, so there was a chance that witness might not be called.

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Does anyone know if the jury is sequestered or are they allowed to go home each night?

Too late I’m sure.

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It would have been a HUGE mistake for the prosecution to NOT call a rebuttal to Simring and Hasson.

I think we can rest assured that Handlebars knew for sure he’d be called.


JoanneGrand Prix

@Inigo-montoya Are you going to be testifying at the trial?



Mar 24

It seems likely though I can’t imagine what I bring to the table.

3 Replies


JoanneGrand Prix

Mar 24

@Inigo-montoya Wouldn’t you already know if you are testifying?

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Palm Beach County court website.

Also looked to see if maybe MHG’s case number was first, and a clerk just carried over the address, but her case number is AFTER LK& RG’s.

But it looks like a clerk error after all, because GM’s paperwork has the same address as the others!


Lots of us here are professionals who manage to :joy:

Also this is just speculation! Not accusing anyone of anything ***

The email account linked with the IM account is traceable to a real person who is not the State’s expert referenced in the thread, so that line of speculation and concern can be dropped.