Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Agree 100% - “Gottcha!” it even made me laugh.


Especially a man who was on top of the world and terrorized by a real life [edit]. I wonder if he has some jealousy in there? He comes off as a man who doesn’t even seem to be able to hold a socially acceptable conversation vs a man who was adored and admired by people are equally successful. Makes me think he may have his own issues.

The “Dr” in Running with Scissors comes to mind. If you haven’t seen it its a fantastic movie/memoir of Augustin Borroughs.




As I said in an earlier post, I think the thing that separated the fears of everybody else on the property from MB’s was that his were so much more extreme.

The other people may have been extremely scared, but MB was the one who had the pretty irrational sounding idea that LK and RG were going to track down MHG’s kids and kill them.

I do think it’s very possible that LK and RG fed that idea on purpose to make him go even further around the bend. But I can’t imagine that was actually their serious plan.

I think the context of the police interview with MHG that was cited by Mr. Mustache was important, although he glossed over it. I believe that was at the end of the day of the shooting, and at that point, she may well have thought that LK/RG had tried to kill MB that day. So that might have heightened any fears she already had under those circumstances.

As you say, I think there were plenty of other things the jury could also be wondering about at this point.


According to a study the University of Pittsburgh did, 2 in 10 high school athletes have had a concussion. That doesn’t include pediatric concussions or the severely underreported ones. So, odds are good someone sitting in that jury box knows what it’s liked to get hit in the head hard enough to temporarily lose some memory.

It’s why I think the prosecutor made a mistake focusing on that. Mr B never focused on it because no one could conclusively say Brain injury amnesia, stress induced amnesia, or delusional. The amnesia is not the key factor of the defense despite the prosecution’s focus on it.


Mental health, like many physical illnesses, waxes and wanes
I think the doc also presented that the founded, reality based fears actually supported and exacerbated the ones that were less sound.
When one proves true, it reinforces the ones that aren’t.


I think as a group, horse people probably have a better understanding of that than the general population. Lol.


It makes sense. I just wish it had been spelled out for the jury.

Well said, thanks!

I wrote a transcript of this portion.
Ill post it tomorrow.


Lol, my only concussion ever came from falling off my horse way back when I was a kid. And for the record, I don’t remember it.


Cool, thanks.

I’m seriously thinking I might start a new thread tomorrow for the weekend, since this thing has turned into a monster that is pretty hard to navigate. Lol.


What this says to the jury…”I’m not concerned, I have no intention to stop him from talking.”


“I’m not even bothering to write down this nonsense.”


Maybe it wasn’t irrational. We don’t know her texts to RB/JK or anyone else. Remember? We’re not allowed to know the level of disgusting that was being employed against him. There may have been a direct plot/ plan to do just that.


Good idea! Usually they’re shut down before they get this unwieldy, most often because LK or someone close to here came and started shrieking and threatening.


In the closing arguments, who goes first?

I can’t believe that a competent mental health professional would say in front of someone who has contemplated suicide and is obviously struggling, criticise the person’s appearance, downplay their condition and bring up the text to MHG about being repulsive. That is someone who is just an unfeeling jerk.

If he wanted to state that he did not think the defendant met the definition of insanity he could have testified to that in a much more professional manner. Jerk!


Prosecution, then Defense, then Prosecution gets the last rebuttal.


The question was more about his perfect memory up to going to the farmhouse (quite close to the head trauma) and the relatively small window of memory loss (maybe an hour later? Doesn’t he have a memory in the ambulance?). When I had head trauma my memory loss was quite a big larger and in one case lasted until the next day…

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