I honestly thought he was trying to provoke a reaction with the MHG text. The appearance was a subtle way to say “faker” without saying it. But the text seemed designed to incite something.
Long-time lurker, infrequent poster here. One thing puzzles me: why is the moniker “Pornstache” not being embraced for the awesomeness that it is?
I missed the part about the text. What did the text say and what was the context in which it got mentioned?
I mean, it’s not impossible, based on everything we’ve heard in the testimony.
But I think if anything, it’s more likely that they could have been hearing discussions on the illegal audio equipment and then purposely making posts or statements to egg on that idea, with the strategy of making MB deteriorate even more.
Which would have ended up with the same result of ruining MB without having to actually lift a finger against the kids or even leave the house.

I can’t believe that a competent mental health professional would say in front of someone who has contemplated suicide and is obviously struggling, criticise the person’s appearance, downplay their condition and bring up the text to MHG about being repulsive. That is someone who is just an unfeeling jerk.
If he wanted to state that he did not think the defendant met the definition of insanity he could have testified to that in a much more professional manner. Jerk!
But what he did concede was his deep, long-term depression.
And still he says that
And that’s a crying shame…to much the jury hasn’t heard.
The Court TV site has their experts weigh in on today’s testimony. I don’t think they watch much of the actual trial. They think insanity is going to be a tough sell for this jury.

I missed the part about the text. What did the text say and what was the context in which it got mentioned?
I don’t remember the exact context.
But in the remarks on the general topic of MB’s mental health or depression, Mr. Mustache brought up a text where MB said to MHG that she, MHG, probably found MB repulsive, or something similar.
It was a pretty low blow, particularly as he was sitting ten feet from MB.
My heart broke for MB when he said that.
It was an extremely low blow!
As the law is written, insanity is always a tough sell
This will depend on the court. In the federal trial I was on we had the full testimony of 2 witnesses read back and had a couple of videos replayed. Denying it wasn’t even mentioned.
Ugh. That seems totally unnecessary.

The question was more about his perfect memory up to going to the farmhouse (quite close to the head trauma) and the relatively small window of memory loss (maybe an hour later? Doesn’t he have a memory in the ambulance?). When I had head trauma my memory loss was quite a big larger and in one case lasted until the next day…
Your experience with head trauma is not necessarily the same as everyone else’s experience with head trauma.
Bilinkas was smart letting Mr Mustache go on and on. He bored me to death and I’ll bet the male jurors hated him after a few minutes and totally tuned him out.
Dr. Simkin, on the other hand, had my full attention throughout and I just enjoyed listening to him. Dr. H seemed like the nerd who loves his work and I found him interesting.
Stache, reminded me of that saying “Those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach”. Or in his case, they just give their opinion about others’ work.
Years ago, I was hit by a car as a pedestrian. To this day, I can remember everything up to about 10 seconds before impact. I have a missing window of about an hour, and then I can remember everything that happened after up until they loaded me up with anesthesia for surgery. I spent a bunch of time talking to a therapist about the whole thing, but I was really hung up on that missing hour. I didn’t have a brain injury but I had a lot of other injuries. The therapist kept telling me that a) it’s so imprecise and individual how the brain works and b) the brain and body work really hard to protect itself, and some things are better not remembered.

Ugh. That seems totally unnecessary.
I know I’m just saying what the witness said and how I received the information. I’m not saying he was malingering but it did create a teensy bit of doubt where I had none before

If he wanted to state that he did not think the defendant met the definition of insanity he could have testified to that in a much more professional manner.
He could have. If he were a different person.
I wonder how many books he will sell this week compared to Dr. Simring? Even though only one of them seemed to be there primarily to sell books.
I got tossed off my horse once (my fault). I remember throwing my leg over the saddle, my horse going forward, me going backward. I remember he tagged my leg with his back hoof and then I remember sitting on the ground. Later a friend who was there told me i actually landed standing up and then fell backwards. I have no memory of that part only. The mind can do some weird things!