Even they haven’t had a concussion, at least one of them probably knows someone with one.
The Court TV people said it comes down to which expert they believe. They thought mustache was really confident (again, I think they watch a brief clip) where I thought he was a big turnoff.
I liked how Bilinkas’’ table was a mess with all his papers all over the place.
I got to a point where I couldn’t even watch pornstache anymore. He was pompous, obnoxious, arrogant, self-absorbed and rude. Not good for credibility in my opinion.
He makes a decent part of his living filming TV shows explaining the psychology behind crime. But my guess is those clips are well cut and short lived…
His books, his area of study… It was totally creepy.
He seemed shocked that MB scored high on empathy.
Seems MB probably has more than him.
Deleted as is a duplicate.
What struck me was the talked a bit about the three phases of a crime and about how the events before a crime had a lot of impact. What this trial is missing is a lot of that pre-crime info that he said was important to understanding the crime.
That kind of threw me the way he described Michael’s empathy. It was almost like he had disdain for it. And that empathy somehow does not correlate with amnesia and delusion.
He also seemed kind of surprised that Michael is intelligent, even though all 3 therapists agreed on that.
They’re not wrong. Handlebars was confident.
He was also obnoxious, particularly if you were forced to sit there and pay attention.
Most of us here who had a negative impression of Dr Arrogant are female. I wonder if men would have a more positive reaction.
I though Simring scored a 10, Hassan - 8, and Schlessinger a 5.5.
Well, he was supremely confident. Some might even say arrogant.
True, but I honestly think THIS expert wasn’t really there to testify about MB, but was just blowing his usual impact statements he makes for an audience.
I’m very open to opposing views in psych. If he had taken a deep breath and spoke in a more relaxed manner - less sensationalizing - I might have been more compelled to listen.
But then, I’m also very suspect to those that are members of societies surrounding controversial and mostly meaningless tests (Rorschach). At that point he may have well told me he was a full blown Freudien Follower.
Huh. That’s interesting.
To me, it seemed like the first doctor for the defense made the biggest impression. He obviously had extremely impressive credentials, and he was able to explain things in a way that seemed very straightforward and understandable.
Plus he was the one who first examined MB the closest to the event, if I recall correctly. Which in my mind should have some bearing, since he would have gotten the best idea while it was still pretty recent. (The third doctor was talking about MB’s mental state when he examined him a year and a half later. What does that prove??)
The second defense doctor seemed like he was a little more inclined to go into more detail than a lot of people could probably follow. Which is not to say I think he was saying anything that was necessarily incorrect, but just not as accessible as the first defense doctor.
And then Mr. Mustache just sounded to me like he was so partial, especially when he started singing the praises of “Lauren” this and “Lauren” that, and how she was so creative and smart. Even though he said he had never met her. Seriously?!?
I’m wondering if that was deliberate to attempt to give the jury a different idea of her than what they saw with their own eyes on the witness stand. I really can’t imagine any other explanation for that random diatribe.
So I wonder if the jury will believe the first doctor and the other two will cancel each out out to some degree?
Hard to say.

Most of us here who had a negative impression of Dr Arrogant are female. I wonder if men would have a more positive reaction.
No. My DH didn’t listen for even 5 minutes before declaring him a disaster for the prosecution and an A$$.

Most of us here who had a negative impression of Dr Arrogant are female. I wonder if men would have a more positive reaction.
I though Simring scored a 10, Hassan - 8, and Schlessinger a 5.5.
I’m Simring 11 / Hassan 7.5 / SchlessingStache 4
But also boring, and went on and on tooting his horn.
My DH couldn’t listen today

I’m Simring 11 / Hassan 7.5 / SchlessingStache 4
I had my adult son watch a bit. Thirty seconds in he says, “who is this *******? Why are you making me watch this?” He maybe made it two or three minutes before saying, “I can’t.”
I believe because it was technically not in evidence. That was found during discovery so MB didn’t know leading up to the events so it could not influence his state of mind preceding the shooting.