Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

The judge, no. But you see him in the courtroom clips. They spend a lot of time with Mr B.

Edit to add: it’s in season 30 and it’s called Moment of Truth. I am not sure if they’ve updated it to include the appellate win and the subsequent plea she took rather than doing the trial over.


Pornstachio seems like he’s a raging narcissist like some psychologists tend to be. That will turn off many males in and of itself.

I find narcissists protect one another. That’s the impression I got.


I got a weird vibe…


Wait, what?

well, he did not KNOW his fears were grounded on reality.
gaslighting comes to mind.


26.14 minutes - I had to check if it was reallllly that long or just felt that way. I originally thought they should have stipulated to his expertise, but I can see why Mr B wouldn’t want to. The jury was gone by 26.14 minutes.


It’s a good episode of 48 hours. And honestly that trial is probably one of the reasons Mr B and the Judge seem a little testy with each other.


Agreed. That was torture.

FWIW, the YouTube comments are overwhelmingly anti-Stache. Not only for his demeanor, but for Judge Taylor’ indulging him.


I don’t know why my reply didn’t actually post to you, but they did spend a lot of time with Mr B

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Thanks! I will have to look for it.

And thanks for checking the time on Mr. Mustache. I don’t think I could have forced myself to watch him again, even on fast forward. :roll_eyes:


Ooo. Good point about the strategy by Mr. B. The jury was probably mostly gone by 6.14 minutes.


Just chiming in that subpoenas need to be issued by the state where the witness is residing. I do some federal administrative litigation and I would go to that body to notice up a witness, and then the clerk signs it and then I have to go to the state where the witness is and get something from a local court there and then that is served on the witness. Proof of service is then submitted back. Same for subpoenas for pre-trial depositions. So something of that nature is likely how PBC is involved. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. However, it is possible that if there is a hung jury that the victims might just want to move on to their civil case versus wait out another criminal trial.


Haha! 26 looooooong minutes!

I had seen that episode before, and I watched it again when I saw the same attorney and judge in this one (before I found this place!). There’s a part where Mr B talks about how nervous he gets before the trial starts, which I found compelling because he’s been doing this forever.

I also think his accessibility is a big part of what brought 48 Hrs back, despite LK’s notions.


you don’t kow how many bumps to the nogging MB had during his lifetime…
But as noted, not everybody reacts the same way…or not everybody’s brain works the same way (basically the reason we are watching this story unfold with an incedulous ‘Whou does that’ on our lips!)


The interview before and or after depending on the story.

Also I’m almost positive victims can’t be or aren’t typically paid for TV appearances etc because of a media code of ethics.

I thought they could request them?

I think it’s absolutely standard practice to have a prosecution psychologist to knock holes in a defense of insanity. Just like if you want to claim damages for injury in a car accident the insurance company will find a hostile doctor to testify and go snooping round your barn trying to get people to talk about your physical limitations. I don’t see why the prosecution here can’t shop around for someone arrogant enough to poke holes in a legitimate insanity claim. Court trials are adversarial in nature. It’s a given that both sides put their position forward in the strongest way they can, and it can border on exaggeration.

Probably the weaker the position the more grandstanding needs to be involved.

I wonder if the Big Bombshell LK was hinting at was that she wouldn’t even show up??


Yes they do

And not even skilled enough to vacuum like you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edited since I didn’t realize you were the poster until I hit send. :grin:


A really low blow especially considering she’s moved on and married someone else. In spite of his success, he’s obviously dealt with a lot of insecurity.