Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Is she married? If so, I did not know that. I think I remember hearing at one point that she was engaged.

Regardless, it was a super uncalled for comment on the part of the mustache.


Like “alienation of affection” of fellow boarders? :wink:


Pornstachio can be a new Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor. It’s pistachio with some little 'stache sprinkles on it.


Ooo, maybe.

In hindsight, the prosecutor’s case might have gone better without her. And particularly without RG.


I wonder if 48 Hours is happy or sad about the way the case has gone so far.

I would have to think that anything that seems like it will increase the ratings should make them happy. And I would have to think that the Cray Cray from the prosecution witnesses might draw a lot more eyeballs than any other factor in the case.

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Does anyone know what the legal arguments are about tomorrow?

I think the judge said it involved what he would say in his closing remarks/instructions to the jury.

Which reminds me. When they had all those sidebars with the microphone turned off for the live stream, are those comments between the judge and the lawyer still on the record? So that they could be included if there were grounds for appeal based on those sidebars?


That was my impression. A big fish in a small pond. Swimming upstream.


I totally have the mental picture of all the salmon swimming upstream, only to be caught in the jaws of a waiting bear.


Focusing on the prosecution side of this, with the drugs and the guns and sneaking around dressed in black with a veil and the ‘manifestos’ and the grandiose projections and the father flying places to scream in people’s faces to force them to deal with his adult child and the first marriage/restraining order and the multiple criminal records and the weaponising child protective services and the black hole about where all the money is coming from…

I say Netflix just got their new Tiger King!!

It’s that combination of lowlifes and drugs and animals and grifting and made up lives played out on SM that people can’t look away from.

Contrasting LK/RG with MHG, RC, JH, the Olympic athletes and the other defence witnesses provides a glimpse of what the goal was, though it was never reached.

Kind of a Jersey Shore/Honey Boo Boo/Tiger King/Inventing Anna mashup!


It’s so weird how the brain works. When I was around 13, I was in a car accident where the car left the road, traveled through some bushes, hit a mailbox and hit a telephone pole. I never hit my head or lost consciousness – this was verified by those on the scene and the paramedics.

I have zero memory of the seconds before the crash, the crash itself, nothing until I was in the ambulance being attended to by paramedics. I remember my mother crying because I couldn’t answer simple questions, such as what year it was, who the president was, etc. She thought I was brain damaged.

To this day, 30 years later, I have zero/an absolute blank of that very short/precise period of time (maybe 40 min) surrounding a traumatic experience. I’ve never been able to recall a single detail.

I can understand people being very credulous about anyone’s statement of amnesia surrounding a traumatic event… except it happened to me.


I never watched Tiger King, but the joke I kept hearing about it was that it didn’t seem at all outlandish to horse people.


Yes, they’re on the record for precisely that reason - to preserve for appeal.


I mean, horses, Olympians, and the most unlikeable victims ever would definitely make for good ratings.

I think they present themselves as pretty neutral, but I would certainly be interested in their off-the-record honest take on this mess.


The sudden stop caused the head to snap forward and back so it rattled your brain against the bony brain casing which, long story short, had the same affect as hitting your head on something exterior. You basically hit your brain on something interior.



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I’m still a little sad we did not see a fourth Olympian to make up a whole team.

I also wonder who the second lay witness was who did not appear in the end, since at the end of Tuesday, they said there would be two lay witnesses and two experts the next day.

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My interpretation of this is that LK can neither POST nor READ anything on the COTH forums.


But we did! Three is the new four!!


Close enough! Lol.

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