Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I would have been ok if Boyd Martin had come back.

Seriously I thought he might recall Mary Haskins as a defense witness. There were a lot of things he wanted to ask her on cross but couldn’t. And a lot those questions would have been ok on direct as a defense witness. That would have been pretty hard on her though. Side note: I hope this mess didn’t derail her career. Maybe she could be that 4th Olympian in the future.


Maybe he figured that she and RC and JH had already done so well as defense witnesses last week that they did not need to come back again.


LK insisted several times here that she was sitting on the porch, reading, when MB drove up.


They were far better for him than for the prosecution.

Too bad they couldn’t call Rosie. I’d love to hear her side and opinion of all this. She’s probably the only living creature that knows what really happened.


But folks were reporting the Lala account being active certain nights during the trial. Also the forums are open to public. If you logged out and didn’t log in again you can still read everything.


I was extremely disappointed that LK’s social media posts weren’t able to be read.

If someone is harassing, threatening, and lying about you online, it can be stressful. If someone is planting listening devices (and posting “private” conversations online), it’s stressful. If someone doesn’t show up for lessons/shows/whatever, wasting your time, and then complains incessantly when assigned to another trainer, it’s stressful. When someone reports you to SafeSport for possible sexual abuse and/or neglect of minors (and YOU have been a victim of sexual abuse and neglect yourself in the past), it’s stressful. If your employees are seeing odd and inappropriate behaviors, it’s stressful. If MINOR working students are being threatened, it’s stressful. If clients are leaving because of abhorrent behavior, it’s stressful. If you feel your horses and property are in danger, it’s stressful. If you are forced out of your home because it’s too scary to live there with your agitator, it’s stressful. If the person who is causing you distress simply WON’T leave, even though they are clearly NOT wanted or welcome anymore, it’s stressful.

Again, I can’t comprehend why all of these things couldn’t be presented as evidence as to the decline of MB’s mental state. I, at one time, seriously thought that our ladies’ restroom/lounge at work was bugged with a listening device by my Office Manager. Using the word “micromanage” while talking in the restroom one morning and being called into the OM’s office that afternoon (“I do NOT micromanage!!”), I became paranoid and stopped talking in the restroom for several months after.

I hope that 48 Hours can bring up these horrific social media posts and interactions.


So…case in review:

Everyone on MB’s side of the incident reported terror; either of LK/JK/RG directly or for MB because of his mental state. And MB was a physical and mental mess after the incident.

Everyone on LK’s side of the incident reported a different story, so now we have 4 different versions of what happened. In addition, the prosecution’s expert says everything that happened before the incident caused REAL fear, not just delusional fear.

And the police can’t provide any insight whatsoever as to what might have really happened because they collected no real physical evidence except a few casings and a bullet trajectory.


My interpretation is that “as of this date”, i.e. fairly recently.


I wonder that if MB is found “Not Guilty because…”, LK will start “following” the Prosecutor.

I think they blocked LaLa’s IP address. All she has to do is get a different IP address or a VPN and she would be able to read COTH, just not post under her LaLa account. She would also have to sign up for another account here. I’m not a computer expert, but there are sure to be some here that will respond.

Edited: Inigo-montoya was reading here on 4/8.


While that might be satisfying, it won’t change the verdict, whatever it turns out to be.

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That seemed so odd to me.

His reason that the insanity defense was not valid was that… the self defense approach was legitimate.


Somehow I think she would not stay under the radar for long.


There can only be one just outcome and to most of us, it’s apparent what that is.


No, because he clearly said MB shot her unprovoked and he was beaten after the shooting. He clearly stated MB remembered everything because he couldn’t be suffering from such a targeted short term amnesia, and more specifically said that MB told him that he shot her.

His entire justification as to why MB wasn’t insane was because he wasn’t delusional because the events causing the fear were real events, not made up ones in his head. He basically described every event and some SM that caused MB fear, that the defense has been poking around to get in, and confirmed it was a real event instigated by LK/RG and that it was valid to be afraid of such an action. He even went so far as to say that MHG believed JK was going to kill her after the shooting and RC asked MB to put the gun in the safe because she thought LK was going to steal it.


When was that? I missed that part.

It sounded to me like he was parroting the LK/RG version of events, although he didn’t even manage to match his story to theirs. But it didn’t seem to me like he introduced much new information.


I will concede I might have misheard, but I believe it was when he was going on about how MB remembered everything and couldn’t have amnesia. He wasn’t talking about LK at that point.

ETA: I did mishear. I didn’t hear the “not” in the commotion of the kids earlier.

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RE: Amnesia/traumatic brain injury.

I remember an incident when I was very young, maybe 5 or 6 years old. My father was driving with my older brother and me on Halloween, probably coming from my grandmother’s house. It was dark, and my father slowed down to allow my brother and me to see some Trick or Treaters’ costumes. I was sitting in the middle in the front seat (no car seats/seat belts then) and climbed over my brother to get a better look. I placed my hand on the car’s door handle and…

I remember up to then clearly. I don’t remember me tumbling out of the car, my father stopping the car, and what happened after. Don’t think I was seriously hurt (never have had a broken bone), and I don’t know if I was just taken home or to a hospital. Of course, this is a child’s memory, but I remember the “up to”.

And… Over 35 years ago, I was leaving the factory where I was working. The factory was on the southwest corner of an industrial park. The employee parking lot was to the east, behind the factory. To leave, you exited the parking lot on the south side of factory, went west for about 200’, took the curve, and then went north for 1/2 mile to get out of the industrial park.

To the east of our parking lot was the parking lot of another factory. The shifts for both factories ended at the same time. The employees of the other factory were notorious for leaving QUICKLY, and it was always a challenge to leave OUR parking lot without getting hit by a vehicle from the other factory.

I can remember leaving work one day, leaving the parking lot, and looking into my rearview mirror to make sure that no one from the other factory wasn’t too close. The next thing I remember, my small car was stopped. I had slammed into a large (think ‘car-hauler’) flatbed truck parked illegally in front of our factory’s main entrance. The assistant foreman was in my car, talking to me, asking how I was, what I needed, etc. I don’t remember the impact, the car hitting the truck, my head hitting the steering wheel.

I don’t know if I ever “saw it coming”. The distance from where-I-remember to the site-of-the-accident was about 300’. I can’t imagine having my eyes focused on the rearview mirror for that distance, especially as I had to navigate a curve. I remember the initial rearview look, the “stop” but no feel of the impact or hitting the wheel. I DO remember that I ‘just wanted to drive home’ afterwards, but my car was totaled. I remember the ambulance people asking me who was President, thinking they were crazy not to know, and the feel of rocking back and forth, side to side, on the stretcher as the ambulance went around corners.

So, the total time had to have been maybe 10-15 minutes (before the ambulance got there). I have NEVER got a glimpse, fraction of a memory, minute, seconds of that accident. And I sincerely believe that MB could forget the incident and the amount of time it took place.


To post? I know I can read the “normal threads”, everything except Current Events when I don’t log in.


Apparently the good state psych said quite a few things about what RC said to MB such as…

That LK would set MB up for sexual assault and it wasn’t defensible….

And feared LK would steal the gun out of her car….

Conflict with LK from beginning, while they were still in FL 2018.

Said MB said he let them back because he needed the money…because of the divorce….

Reasonable interpretation that her SM was coded messages…

Said MB confirmed that the gun was not loaded when RC gave it to him.

Says it’s all reality based that RG did turn him in for renovations that RG made. Not in his mind, it actually happened.

Found personality traits for OCD and inadequacy (narcissist are considered to feel inadequacy, btw so there is where IM’s narcissism comment came from)