Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

And this is just some of why no one should ever want her on their property/no one should ever board at a property where she boards. Locking your doors out of fear of theft or planting drugs every time you want to go ride? Yeah, no.


Yeah, doesn’t interest me.

I don’t know the status of LK’s drug use/to what extent she uses, but due to my personal experience, I could never trust someone that was addicted to heroin and I keep myself far away from those types. It just is what it is. It sucks for someone that is a recovered addict or someone who genuinely has turned over a new leaf, but I can’t do it. I don’t blame others for excluding these types either. So if I found this out about a boarder, and they weren’t leaving or being asked to leave anytime soon, I’d leave. Even if the stable was otherwise perfect. I’m just not putting myself near that again.

Those who haven’t dealt with that, might not feel the same way, or might be ignorant as to what it’s like. Therefore, they have no problem allowing the individual to stay, or being a fellow boarder, perhaps.


I’m sure someone responded in the 1000 posts I’m behind, but it’s Debussy. I like Emmanuel Pahud’s version the best.

Edited: Just saw someone posted video. Hadn’t heard the Andreas Blau version. Very nice. Thanks for posting!
(Time to break my poor neglected flute out of its closet).

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I don’t know exactly what you are asking when you say “To post?” I don’t want to guess what your question is.

If someone was genuinely in recovery and had turned over a new leaf, they wouldn’t be acting out like LK/RG. His admission to still using is what seals it for me. If you’re with an active user, you’re not recovering/recovered and not genuinely making a new life.

There were great stories on this thread of folks with family members who really did overcome and went on to be successful, holding down jobs, buying their own homes, being great productive members of their communities.

That is glaringly, obviously NOT what is happening with these two. No way I’m putting myself, my horse, my equipment, my children around that :poop: show. Not a chance in :fire:.


I asked Mod1 a while back…

“ A banned user could still read as a guest or under a new account, depending upon whether their IP address was blocked and whether they were still accessing the site from the same IP if it was.”


After reading and hearing the stories I would never be in the same barn as LK even if Jesus himself was the trainer AND I’d question the intelligence of anyone who would.

I’d have zero issues being at the same barn as MB though I do have my own trainer.


I may be responding in a bit of a fog here—it’s 3:12 a.m. here.

I think I read something saying you can’t read ANY forums unless you log in. I can (unlogged) read many forums/threads EXCEPT current events (and maybe a couple of others—3:15 a.m.). So, I was wondering if someone meant you had to log in to POST but not READ.

Sorry. Don’t mean to be offensive or confusing or anything else. 3:17 a.m.

(Read Sdel’s posting above at 3:19 a.m.)

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You didn’t post at all. You just dreamed you did.





and I stopped watching Yellowstone because I thought the storylines were so contrived…


what bothers me about the drug story is the Suboxon.
When you are on it you can’t take opiods. They will make you violently sick. Info my husband (who takes it legit for chronic pain, and don’t ask the hoops he has to jump through to get that approved!) got from his very drug ‘savy’ nephew.

The deal is that it has both, the painmed (I want to say opiod) and the narcan aspect bild in. SO you are far less likely to OD on the stuff.
And you ahve to be off it for a considerable amount of time befre you a) won’t get sick from opiods and B) get any affect from them.

So I wonder…
they were doing drugs they were not doing Suboxon.
perhaps sold them?


Will there be a Minute Rice Risotto recipe in the back?


It’s a shame…the court system frustrates me to no end! Evidence like this for instance, in my eyes, is extremely important. :confused:


I pray the jury was paying attention!


“ A banned user could still read as a guest or under a new account, depending upon whether their IP address was blocked and whether they were still accessing the site from the same IP if it was.” Moderator.

We don’t know if LaLa’s IP address has been blocked, but I suspect it has.

You can read most forums without logging in; you have to log in to post. You can’t do either of those things if your IP address is blocked because your device can’t connect to COTH.

So, La-La would not be able to read anything on the forums if her device (computer, laptop, Ipad, telephone) can’t connect to COTH, provided they have the same internet address (IP). She can get around that by getting a different IP address and then she could connect to COTH.

I am not 100% sure that blocking the IP address is what COTH does to block people, but I seem to recall that be mentioned, maybe in the technical help forum.

Someone might be able to explain it better than me.

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I think pistachio ice cream with miniature gummy d*cks is even more appropriate.


She was in or viewing the YT chat for the L&C vid feed. Someone came on there claiming to be a “Miss K” and started picking fights with users who weren’t singing the praises of Goddess Lauren and threatening to track them down and go after them by having her “hacker boyfriend” hack the chat. Also, user “KarenK” who has posted here in this thread was in that YT chat for some time and was later having a spat on Twitter with LK, before that name showed up here.


It is common for people to get large amounts of Suboxone and sell them to other people who want to resell it or use it to get their fix. The state in which LK is from has it as a key part of the drug trade, because the people who dispense it engaged in mass fraud for many years, being reimbursed by the state for dispensing it and not following the protocols. There’s been a big blow up and the company behind the drug got nailed in State and Federal courts for essentially “pushing” the stuff into the drug market and not having any real controls for dispensing it safely and properly.


I am technologically challenged so …
But I can not see how they would do that.
Most areas of this forum can be read by anyone. You (general reader) do not have join to read the forum, except a couple of areas.

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