Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

LK can view the open forums, just as anyone without an account can, but she can’t log-in to view Off-Topic or send messages to people. That’s what it is to be banned here.


You (LK) take your laptop and leech off of your neighbor’s unsecured wi-fi - while crowing about your cleverness and being a grandmaster chess player. Or nurse a cup of “enhanced” coffee at the local coffee shop until someone comes over and tells you to get out because they need the table to turn over to earn the tips to make it worth their time to come to this (expletive) job.


Which is why I flipped out in another thread to see that MB found two empty BOXES of suboxone in the trash can at HIS house and suggested that the contents could be sold for approximately double their legal cost to purchase. That led to a certain amount of shrieking by LK.


I HATE that there are people in the world who will sit in front a jury and say stupid stuff not based in reality just for a pay check. That are willing to puff their chest and ignore that there is the life of someone on the line.
There is no way that any rational human could read LK’s messages to GJ and then turn around and describe her as smart and creative. Just no way.
Pornstachio either did not actually read any of the things he claims he read or he is so willing to be bought by the highest bidder he ignored anything that was a logical stance on those communications.


Regarding giving the gun to MB to put in the safe. I have agreed with you but the more I think about it the more I can see why she did. At the time she had just arrived at the farm so likely did not have a good picture of what was going on. Not keeping a loaded weapon when a client who lived on the property and was causing problems makes sense. It likely wasn’t until later that she could have seen the change in MB’s state.


I wonder if the NYT will revisit their story about this. Boy, talk about missing the mark with the first one. I’m a subscriber and I generally stand up for The Gray Lady but, love of God, to write what that reporter wrote while simultaneously using a snippet of the Girl Joey posts LK made was just :astonished:

If you spend years and years posting the kind of incendiary, vulgar, vicious, unhinged lies she has, attacking and threatening and seeking to ‘destroy’ people you self-identify as your foes, if you use the language she uses, make racist appeals, mock appearances, hint at your own propensity for violence and the use of weaponry, hell, even post videos of strangers you see in the shops to mock them - you forfeit all right to complain ever again about anything that anyone says about you on the self same SM platforms that you use for your abuse and reign of terror and racism.

I brook for not one moment anyone clutching their pearls over ‘SM bashing’ of LK. It’s her calling card, her MO, her raison d’être. 19,000 pages, folks. Let that sink in for a moment. If she can dish it out to the breathtaking extent she has and still does, spare me your performative handwringing. It’s a damn shame she woke from a medically induced coma to people giving back as good as she gave on SM - but it’s not a mystery why.

Again, for all the good Christians going to volunteer at their local soup kitchens: Galatians 6:7

For the more new agey among us: what you put out into the universe is what will come back to you.


Can you explain this? Shoe drop?

Safe Sport suspended Bernie’s son Michael.


Wow. I missed that on whatever old thread it was discussed on.

Correct me if I am wrong, but people on suboxone can do other drugs that aren’t in the opioid class, without experiencing illness?

I’m not an expert by any means, but I knew enough people during a few periods of partying in my misspent young adult years to know that people who do drugs often do more than one variety. If they do cocaine, they also often smoke pot. Some do ecstasy as well. LK had a documented heroin problem, RG had smoked crack… and that puts them way far down deep into the depths of the drug world. So… regardless of whether or not she was taking her own suboxone, she certainly could have been using other drugs simultaneously-

Some of her posts here on the forums made me wonder if she was on a cocaine bender. :woman_shrugging: I could see how going from periods of extreme energy to sleepiness might indicate periodic cocaine use as well.


noticed some serious trolling there too by a Bob Abooey (eye roll)


THIS. I feel the exact same way.


Or he truly meant what he said and that speaks VOLUMES about HIM. After all, she may or may not have been smart (before heroin) but she is hooked on being cruel.

Nothing admirable about that character flaw.


I know for a fact that my daughter’s ex, who was on suboxone, also used cocaine. And drank to excess, if that counts. He also used way more suboxone than prescribed, buying it from others.


It’s funny you should say that, just because the barn is literally the only place I don’t lock my car when I get out of it.

The gas station, the grocery store, the post office, my own driveway, my car is always locked if I step away from it. Except at the barn, because I’m not worried about it there.

That would be a horrible way to go through your day, wondering if someone is going to steal something from your car while you ride, or worse yet, plant something incriminating in it.


I like to think that people are not that … um… unwilling to see.

Take away all else that LK has done (and there is a very long list) and just the GJ thing. No one can read that and not be repulsed by it. No one. I am sorry, I just can not imagine even the most uncaring person reading that and not finding it to be the lowest of the low.


Well, her intimates apparently don’t have a problem with it. I doubt she licked that cruel streak out of the grass.

Nor do I predict any change in her behavior as a consequence of this trial. She will be smugger and even more convinced that she can say, write or do almost anything and get away with it.


She probably licked it out of the pornstacio ice cream…


Funny how LK’s lawyer, LK, RG and pornstachio all had the same condescending, arrogant attitude when answering question from Mr. B. They were all terrible witnesses and the defense did a superb job bringing out their “ true colors” while being a gentleman. Mr Pornstachio was finished the minute he called LK bright and creative. Only a stool pigeon being very well paid could coke up with that conclusion. After all that puffing and pounding in his own chest the man never talked to MB’s therapist for 20 years. Why not??? The defense witnesses talked to her. Pornstachio is always right and no one else’s opinion matters… period.


Has anyone else following this whole thing read any/all of Gillian Flynn’s novels? ‘Sharp Objects’, ‘Dark Places’, and ‘Gone Girl’.

If you are an avid reader, and have read her books… they have a certain vibe and feel.

This whole story is like a Gillian Flynn novel to me. Frankly, LK reminds me a bit of the “Amma” character in Sharp Objects.


I need to put those on my list

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