Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I think that was just another Bilinkas bumble. He gets tripped up fairly often.


??? what

Maybe if your mom was explaining to someone how to handle children to a friend or husband and she said that or something your example would make sense.

yes and how well it works to do so too…

Bilinkas is sloppy

Still missing context and your statement doesn’t match. There’s nothing to indicate in that text message as written that he does or does not abuse horses. You can’t take the statement literally.


I iike comment from guest attorney that judge is trying to micromanage defense. I agree.


Highlights of defense cross-examination of MHG, summarized to the best of my ability:

MHG said to LK something to the effect of, “If you’re so unhappy why don’t you leave?”

MHG saw MB so upset about the LK situation that he was in a fetal position. Later she said this happened many times.

Late July / early Aug after they moved into the clubhouse, she and MB came to believe they were being recorded. LK would taunt MB over text about things they had discussed privately in the office or clubhouse.

MHG took screenshots of LK’s social media posts because she would sometimes delete them.

MHG was present each time MB called 911. MHG tried to show police some of the screenshots and they “did not take it seriously.” This “made it all a lot worse” for MB and MHG.

MB was severely anxious, depressed. Never angry. No violence. Def: “He yells sometimes though?” MHG: “Yes.”

To MHG’s knowledge, MB has a good relationship with his ex-wife Vera. Next question about whether he was upset to pay her $900k was withdrawn after sidebar.

Another George Morris name drop! LK filed a SafeSport complaint against MHG. Judge says the nature and outcome of the complaint are not relevant.

In July 2019 she said (to MB I assume) that the relationship was LK with toxic and unhealthy. They discussed getting a lawyer involved to remove her from the property. In MHG’s presence, MB contacted LK’s father, who was in Europe, and sent him LK’s social media posts.

MHG’s father came up in the beginning of August, on request of MB and MHG, because MHG “was terrified.” Ruth Cox also came up and started sleeping in front of her horse’s stall.

Social media attacks then got worse. MB saw LK around the barn at night with a flashlight, but since MHG didn’t see this herself the testimony was stricken.

LK posted private conversations between MHG and MB on social media.

MB was never alone with MHG’s son, except maybe in passing. Bilinkas asked if MB loved her son and she answered, “Very much,” before the objection was registered and sustained.

On 8/7 DCCP comes to farm and meets with MHG in the barn office. MHG not allowed to testify about the conversation much due to hearsay rules. MB repeatedly opened the door and came in. DCCP did not tell MHG who made the allegations.

MHG says RG never threatened her. Day after shooting there was an interaction between MHG, RG, and LK’s father. Not allowed to continue that line of questioning (relevance I think).

MHG and MB hired private investigator to debug office, clubroom, etc.



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Prosecution has asked a couple of leading questions and Bilinkas has finally objected. He should have objected to this whole line of questioning about Ruth Cox from the beginning. Judge finally agreed.


Is John Kanarek in the court room?

Exactly so.
Kinder to make a quick, effective correction.

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Bilinkas has just gotten MHG to say she feared MB was suicidal the day before the shooting (“it crossed my mind, sure, yes.”)


We can’t tell, as that part of the room is not visible, but they talked about his presence in the gallery at the start of the trial.


The defense is trying to question things that he isn’t allowed to. He is making errors, that’s why the judge is doing that.


Highlights from re-direct of MHG by prosecutor:

MHG testifies RC had never been warned not to sleep in the barn before. Prosecutor points to texts from 2018 between MB, MHG, and RC about RC wanting to sleep in the barn and MB telling her, “No more sleeping on the floor in the clubroom because it’s an Olympic facility, not a trailer park.”

MB had issues with depression and anxiety before LK came to the farm.

Re-cross of MHG by defense:

LK exacerbated MB’s depression to the point that the day before the shooting MHG was worried he would kill himself.


Judge has been called out for 5 minutes

Justin Hardin describes dressage as “dancing with horses.” :heart_eyes:


There’s a break while the Judge deals with some urgent issue, which may or may not be related to the trial.

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I know her mother is there. I never heard the final decision on whether he could stay in the gallery or not.


this took place in what is called a “breakout room” which means it is considered not part of the trial testimony (generally). Remember that we can hear because we have audio but the microphones they are speaking in are not amplified for the jury. The jury may well not have heard this exchange.

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It looks like the break might have been related to the trial, as Hardin was put outside and the Judge is meeting with the sides.