Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

It is unusual for a judge to be called off the bench unless there is something urgent like the judges family member in hospital.


MB’s hearing has been temporarily restrained, for some purpose. He seems very twitchy and spastic.

I tried to note where things were stricken. I think that made it in. “Breakout room” seems to be how they are showing electronic exhibits like text messages that are visible to the witness but not the jury. The jury still hears the testimony about the exhibit, unless it is stricken.

When audio is muted, they are in sidebar and that is definitely not to be heard or considered by the jury. Two different things.


You can have a breakout room that takes place in this manner but specifically the text messages she was shown, the prosecutor was specifically reminded “this is in the breakout room” so it should be stricken.


Please don’t be naive. Everything he has done has been calculated…the jury hears what he has asked and can make their own conclusions every time the Judge objects. It’s classic at getting things on record, as was the civil suit that they knew would fail - it got information on record that would not have been allowed in the criminal trial.


The judge has told several witnesses to speak up because the microphone records but does not amplify?


Re: trying to get a boarder to leave a barn…

Some folks do not handle rejection very well, and some even have psychopathic meltdowns about it. So when a BO is dealing with someone with a known propensity for acting out/retaliating when they don’t get their way, it is sometimes far safer to let that individual make the decision to leave than to TELL that person to leave.


There is no court reporter so audio records it and you need it loud and clear to make a good transcript.


I had to say I find it a little odd that these grown women (well into their 30s? 40s?) who both have significant others also have their fathers involved in this whole mess. Are they not fully grown adults? I don’t get it.


Yes. My point was that the microphones are not there to amplify anything for the jury. Maybe we’re saying the same thing?


Not by making their life miserable …toxic playground with an already unstable person. Not a smart move. Again, shows mental instability to go that route.


This courtroom needs a new laser pointer.


You can insist this all you want but it’s a common practice in both the boarding world and the job market.


well there are a tonne of mentally unstable people out there so that doesn’t surprise me. That’s exactly why things like this happen. Drama, toxicity and people unable to manage things like mature adults.


Yes so then they post things on FB in a smear campaign.



My father does not financially support my riding, nor arrange my housing and training, so I can’t speak to that. However, when I’m in dire straights, he is my first call. So I get why MHG would want her father there.


whose they?

Generally speaking. Why, are you reminded of someone?


I’m not 100% sure if MB is guilty, but I think there’s a good chance that he is and I think the verdict is likely to reflect that. However, I don’t think it’s “victim blaming” to say that LK has clearly also behaved terribly and her actions also contributed to the ultimate outcome in a very negative way. Being a victim of a crime does not mean you are a good person, or that you are immune from any criticism of your behavior. You can do everything right and still unfortunately become a victim, but behaving in an antagonistic way toward other people increases the likelihood of things escalating to violence. It doesn’t mean that physical violence is deserved or warranted, but it is more likely to happen.

I’m sure I’ll get hate for saying that, and in previous threads my opinion has been likened by certain posters to blaming a rape on the victim’s short skirt, but I believe that comparison is an insult to victims of rape. Illegally placing recording devices in someone’s house and making threats because you’re … dissatisfied with their horse training services? … is not the same as making a fashion choice. It’s frustrating when some people believe she can do no wrong simply by virtue of being a victim.