Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Barisone may have wanted to see Ruth’s gun to use it to commit suicide.


That is a very sad thought.


Yes, but now makes all the sense in the world.


I hope whatever the outcome is of the trial that he can get mental health treatment.


I am thinking maybe had something to do with money and horses(expensive horses). Money owed, money paid or not paid. They leave on their own maybe he doesn’t paid for the repair work and perhaps keeps money he has already been paid for for training and apt. Just a guess. I believe it has been said he was in a financial bind. Perhaps then he would get another client that wouldn’t be such a P in the A.
What is the saying…. “follow the money”.

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LK claims that MB owes her a large amount of $$$$$ for the handyman services of her fiance, performing maintenance and upgrades to the property, though MB didn’t own the property and did not have the legal authority to authorize any such work without the written authorization of the actual property owners, to whom he was paying several thousand dollars a month for the use of their farm.


Boy, you can tell RC is from North Carolina! Go girl!!


And Rob was not licensed to do any repair work in NJ.


She sounds a bit like my Mamaw and my Aunt.


Why would RC give him a gun if they thought he could be suicidal? Wow


It’s my understanding that he took the pistol for safe-keeping in his office safe, where he kept things, to keep them safely. The carrying case for the pistol was shown in the evidence photos that revealed what was in the safe, along with ammunition and other firearms.


We can’t answer that question but she hadn’t been asked if she thought he was suicidal.



Why did no one help MB if he struggling that hard. Especially a mental health expert. Instead she gave him a gun. Woof


Which was clearly a ridiculous idea to have when the article about RC came out…,.

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How expensive are horses and keeping horses? Hold on your seats in there lol


The thing with a pistol is, it is a pain in the butt to load a magazine. They make a little ‘speedloader’ gadget and it is still cumbersome. So I don’t see anybody putting just 3 bullets in the magazine. If for nothing else but because an empty gun is deadly.
An amateur might not think about reloading.
Or somebody is fooling with the gun.
An inexperience person might not notice if there were only three bullets in the magazine, (but I doubt it)
So the three bullets are a major head scratcher
It makes no sense in a scenariowhere the shooting party brings it to the dance.


And? So far SS made him do it, GM made him do it, CPS made him do it. I’m sure Schellhorn will keep throwing things at the wall hoping something sticks.


Even within a long relationship, a trainer/owner is High Alpha Monarch of their domain. I find it hard to imagine that almost anyone would believe/feel they could productively influence an Alpha in the days leading up to this sort of thing.

Worthy topic of discussion. As are other high distress situations at horse farms. On every side of the fence and every level of the food chain people express how extremely unsafe, unhappy, abused, manipulated, etc they feel. It is too often a scenario when people feel they are without options to change a ‘bad’ situation. The horse industry has a LOT of skeletons and issues that need to be addressed.


And? And it’s sad. I am wondering why these people who loved him so much never offered him any alternate solutions. Never even officially asked them to leave when they were supposedly destroying this mans life and mind. They had all the tools and opportunities and they failed.

The prosecution themselves said they didn’t want to use the GM thing as motive, so not sure why you would pretend they did.


Seriously…. How the heck can she possibly claim to be a mental health professional and be handing over fire arms. FFS