Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I agree. It’s just very sad that so many people were aware of the situation, had the ability to help and support and instead chose to join in on the toxic games instead of other, much healthier methods.


His girlfriend said he would go in a fetal position, his assistant said he thought he could be suicidal, RC was a health professional, she didn’t notice this or discuss this with the other two? As far as it being in a safe for safe keeping…it was the suicidal depressed person’s safe who had the combination.(I know my last sentence is responding to a post that was not yours eggbutt)


Sort of sounds like the parents who enabled their son to kill kids at his school, doesn’t it? Lots of blame to go around except for the totally innocent “victim”. No need to respond…I already know what you have to say about that person.


“Had the ability”. I mean that is my point. Ability to do what? What exactly do you think someone should have done? Police and 911 were phoned repeatedly. They didn’t decide to cuff MB and submit him for metal evaluation. Ditto LK. So who do you think should hav done what and when?

Who do you think is going to make Putin change his mind?

When a brain has crossed over the line to panic/desperation/fear, it is not rational anymore. If the defense theory of MB mental state is correct, then good advice/healthier options are kind of off the table. And victim SM activity suggests she may have ‘issues’ as well.

So what could people have done in the days leading to? (Aside from the Uber genius who gave the gun over……)


Maybe he refused any help or suggestions? Maybe he shrugged it off, or after a weird moment said “Its fine, don’t worry, I’ll figure it out.” And walked off. People avoid/decline/ignore offers of help all the time.
I am reminded of my own personal experience where I saw the writing on the wall, but it took more than friends and family telling me I was in a bad place, it took me realizing it. Until I did, there was no changing my path. No offers of help were accepted. From a distance it looked like no one helped me, but they did try.

All that to say I don’t judge those around him, there are limited options when the main players won’t use insight.


Maybe there were only 3 bullets bc loading a magazine, for someone who isn’t used to doing so, is very difficult. Maybe that’s all he could get in at the time and that’s all he needed. Just speculation on my part


Here is the thing….they never fingerprinted or DNA the gun. They only have GSR…which is more like a cloud settled on him. There is no physical evidence that can definitively show that he held that gun….only that he was close enough to get GSR on his hands.


What a shame no forensics were done on the gun or casings.



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Any idea why this wasn’t done?

My husband killed himself shortly after I confronted him and pressured him to get counseling. When you are in that situation, it’s hard to know what to do, waffling between trying to keep things calm and bringing up issues.
But so easy to judge from outside and hindsight.


They didn’t recover any bullets, so I’m not sure they can even directly say she was shot with 9mm bullets.


The cops offered no explanation during their testimony.


I am so terribly sorry, Dinah.


They simply did not do it and the matter has not been addressed, despite it being stated openly in court.


Im not a mental health expert but RC is. I would think she had options and resources other than giving him a gun.

I was also referring to the fact his GF and him were basically plotting to make LKs life hell with the hopes she would leave. She didn’t think hmm maybe this isn’t the best idea? I don’t know, maybe they could have asked LK to leave at the very least?

That’s why I ASKED if anyone knew if anyone tried to help him. Helps if you read what I wrote.


How do you know this, they haven’t gotten into any of that yet. Just a few questions about whether GSR was tested or not.

Did anyone else have GSR? I’m sorry I must have missed this part bc I don’t recall any mention at all of GSR

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Yes they did. Go back and rewatch the forensics dude’s testimony.


They didn’t think it was important to check LK or RG for GSR.