Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Barisone needs to be sent to a mental facility.


You missed the conversation in your response. SS may or may not have looked at the 700 documents submitted by MB and MH. The SS complaints by LK and MB may be legitimate in their minds or weaponizing of SS, in itself a violation. We don’t know what is in the packet. I’m not sure how they handle reports that are investigated and found unsubstantiated if they then think the complaint was used as a weapon against the other party. You left out that @endlessclimb was threatening to turn in LK’s attacks on SM to SS even though LK was reacting to comments LK considered libelous, LK had been shot twice,and amateur psychiatrists were diagnosing her with all kinds of disorders.

My point was it sounded like threatening to turn in LK to SS for threatening to sue over SM nasty comments was placing SS in the position of a parent mediating a little kid spat. Joey insulted me. Why? Because Johnny insulted me first.

So, not nonsense, except for the careful selection of partial posts for a response.


The exact reason for the worker visiting the property has not been disclosed, beyond the fact that it was a local authorities referral from Safesport. MHG was the focus of her visit, on a report of neglect. Beyond that, the facts are in the report, which is off limits at this time.


This ^


Then with the CPS worker, he tried to claim that the CPS worker stating what she herself said was hearsay!

censor or censure?

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Are you trying to suggest that I should have inferred from the one post I responded to, some number of other posts, from other posters, that you were presumably invisibly referring to in your response?

That goes back to utter nonsense.


I think it was mentioned somewhere above that the SafeSport complaint was some 700 pages long, and that it was doubtful that SafeSport had yet had the resources to review it. If they made a referral to local authorities, they must have had a chance to look it over, I would think.

Please enlighten me if I’m wrong.


John G: ​I’ve lost most of my immediate family and even that didn’t make me as distraught as LK did

@John G, if her father was such a high-powered, rich lawyer why didn’t he find her a place to live. Family squabbles or not.

John G
​@sandra because at the time (rob told me himself) he was concerned about rob leaving her after he bought her the house

John G
Rob has his own hidden agenda because he’d be out on the street without her . Rob is broke and lives off her

John G
​I’m a victim of LK. She had me and my horse blacklisted and fired from a 140k a year job for not giving her a phone # I was not permitted to give her. She tormented my life to where I was suicidal

John G
My horse is already mysteriously injured permanently
I do strongly feel she did on the late hours /early morning of a night . We had the same farrier and she does 6 horses with him vs my 1 , he stated people would pay people to hurt and or…


I once got called as a witness to an action against a judge where the judge ultimately was forced to resign. And he had big Supreme Court plans for his future.

Committees who adjudicate judicial conduct do not f*** around.


You are referring to the wrong complaint. LK was said to have filed one of her own.


Thank you. Didn’t know there were multiple complaints.

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I don’t think “veiled” is a word that describes anything said on this forum. :joy:

I have a question I forgot to ask yesterday. At one point, MB was putting some sort of headset in his ears. Was that to help him hear better? Or to prevent him from hearing what was going on? I couldn’t tell. Does anyone know?

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It is said that LK filed one after learning - through the surveillance devices, apparently - that MB and MHG had contacted them, regarding her.


I don’t think we can make any assumptions on that based on the testimony as the details of the report were kept off the record. The case worker’s testimony was very general when it came to the report details.

It would be reasonable to me that the case worker would speak with the bio parent first and alone about any reported neglect and supposed abuse of a child by her partner, and then determine based on that discussion who else she may want to speak with. If MB was coming in several times during the discussion he very well may have heard parts of the conversation.

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It looked like he was having his hearing muzzled, but that was likely a hearing aid, upon second look.


But Bilinkas wants to get it out of RC, because he doesn’t want to put Barisone on the stand.


She specifically said she was not there for an allegation against MB, and that the allegation was for neglect, not sexual abuse.


The threat you posted, WAS.