Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Interesting, thanks.

Really, is that what you think?
He’s doing a very good job of impeaching her testimony…as is she.


Yes, she’s been caught reversing numerous times. He’s already set up for more. And she told the jury she lied to a friend in one of her posts….


The judge has been helping him a lot. I mean I don’t think his job is all that hard and considering, I don’t think he’s doing a great job. Compared to what you usually would see in a criminal trial.


This is what is happening. The judge has numerous times tried to nudge or clue him in on how to get his evidence in, and made clear it wouldn’t happen the way he kept trying, and the defense is not really getting it.


They didn’t find any bullets….could that be because the gun had blanks?


My comment was with regard to LK describing getting the recording devices or cameras for a very specific reason but unless I missed it she didn’t really say what that reason was. It reminded me of the things she used to post here.

I removed my comment though because I may have misunderstood what she was trying to explain as my feed cut out briefly.

Pretty darn unlikely they were blanks given the holes in LK


Or there was another gun


The bullets passed through LK and went into the building or passed on into the fields or whatever. The fact that they weren’t recovered is a bit odd, but it may be that the Police didn’t find them or didn’t care to look.




Thanks, I wasn’t sure what you meant by “a very specific reason” since there wasn’t any context included with your original post.

Does anyone else know if she stated that reason? Did the DA ask her the reason?

I thought it was because of JH in the barn?

LK didn’t give any direct explanation, but she did later state that JH was deemed a serious threat to her interests, so there’s that.

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I feel like it would be more beneficial to have a few really damning texts, hammer those down. Then carry on. He went on way too long over that section, jury probably feel asleep.


LK is detailing the barter agreement between her and MB, for boarding and such.

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Agreed. Some of the posts made her look really bad, and now we’ve long since moved past that. And without those in evidence, they won’t see the posts while deliberating.

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More financial information now that must be making the regular people on the jury want to bang their heads on the nearest solid object.


$2500 a piece for board and training sounds a bit more reasonable… maybe still low for BNT… for two horses. I am still confused at the 4 or 5 horses for $5k the following year - given the free/bartered lodgings and apparently shipping being included (unless I heard wrong). I am close by in NJ., different discipline.


Breakdown of the agreement:

  • $2500k each for two horses when she first came

  • $40k for horse 'MB was unable to sell"

  • Work done by RG at house

Bills paid ‘out of her money’ but the check is written by her father.

Balinkis “Where does you father get the money?”: LK “uh… the bank?”

When she came up to NJ the agreement held.

Then she purchased a horse from MB (3rd horse). MB wanted off his hands, she paid for horse, horse can stay where it’s been all it’s life, horse has shivers/cushings, medical issues. She bought horse so it could stay where it knows.